2015- CMES - announcements

  • 04.05.2015 - h:12:50 - Seminar Assignment 05 - added a LabVIEW-vi for starting homework assignment

  • 04.05.2015 - Modification of the  Seminar Assignment 04
    • Different Project type depending on the type of the LPC11U14 - plugin each team has - please check the assignment file
  • 04.05.2015 - Seminar Assignment 05 - added
  • 04.05.2015 - Lecture notes from Lecture 10 at NI location and Seminar notes from Seminar 5 at NI location

  • 27.04.2015 - Modification of the  Seminar 05 and Lecture 09 from 1 May 2015 to 29 april 2015, ora 16-20, sediul National Instruments.

    Miercuri: 29 Aprilie 2015
    Ora: 16-20
    Sala:  Bulevardul 21 Decembrie 1989, Nr. 77, Corp A, Etaj 2.Cluj-Napoca

    Prezenta obligatorie!

    Va astept la ora 15:55 la adresa specificata mai sus, parter.
  • 27.04.2015 - Modification of the  Seminar Assignment 04
  • Projects
    • the assignment file for the 04 seminar was updated with the statement problem
    • a table with the teams for project LPC11U14 Seminar 04 assignment was added in the Seminar 04 section
  • 08.04.2015 - Modification of the Laboratory from 10 April 2015 to 24 April 2015
    • Because the representation from EBS is not available in 10 April 2015 and only on 24 April 2015 we will modify the lecture and laboratory hours in the following way:
  • Laboratory from 10 April 2015 from 16:00-18:00 MOVED to 24 April 2015 from 18:00-20:00. Attendance COMPULSORY!
  • Lecture from 24 April 2015 18:00-20:00 MOVED to 10 April 2015 from 16:00-18:00
  • 30.03.2015 - Modification of the  Seminar Assignment 03
  • Projects
    • the assignment file for the 03 seminar was updated with the statement problem
    • a table with the teams for project LPC11U14 Seminar 03 assignment was added in the Seminar 03 section
  • 2.03.2015 - Modification of the LabSem Rules file - I have modified the delivery dates for seminar activities
  • Report: choose paper before 13 march + email report before 15 may
  • Projects
    • JSpin: assignment in 13 march + delivery date 3 april during lecture hous (last date for delivery 22 may during lecture hous)
    • LPC project: assignment in 27 march + delivery date 8 may during lecture hours (last date for delivery 22 may during lecture hous)
    • LabVIEW+myRIO: assignment in 29 april + delivery date 15 may during lab hours (last date for delivery 22 may during lecture hous)

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