Announcement in 08.05.2015 - h: 10:20
- Marti, 19.05.2015, Seminar gr 932 - ora 10-12 - Pregatire Festivitate ==>va rog sa veniti cu alte grupe
- Marti, 19.05.2015, Laborator gr 932/2 - ora 12-14 - Festivitate ==> va rog sa veniti cu alte grupe
Announcement in 17.04.2015 - h: 17:05
- Luni, 27.04.2015, Lucrare de control, sala 6/II, ora 8-9
- Studentii (care au trimis email) care au sarbatorit Pastele in 6 Aprilie 2015 sunt rugati sa se prezinte la lucrare.
- Luni, 27.04.2015, Curs SSVV, sala 6/II, ora 9-10
Announcement in 08.04.2015 - h: 12:30
- Jenkins is working! :)
- Start working on your Lab 04. Sorry for 1 day delay.
Announcement in 30.03.2015 - h: 09:30
- Luni, 6.04.2015, Lucrare de control, sala 6/II, ora 8-10
- Prezenta obligatorie!
- Studentii care sarbatoresc Pastele sunt rugati sa trimita email. Ei vor da lucrarea de control dupa vacanta (dupa 20.04.2015).
Announcement in 23.03.2015 - h: 23:10
- Fisier Tutorial Jenkins - new version adaugat.
Announcement in 23.03.2015 - h: 14:40
- Fisier exemplu probleme Midterm exam (Sectiunea Lecture 07).
- Anunt Lecture 07 - Invitatie firma Evozon,
- Data: 30 Martie 2015
- Ora: 10-12
- Sala: 2/I, Cladirea Central
- Prezenta Obligatorie!
Announcement in 22.03.2015 - h: 22:25
Fisier Bibliography adaugat (tabel Lecture) care contine bibliografia pentru fiecare curs.
Announcement in 20.03.2015 - h: 0:45
Pentru proiectul Maven, va rog sa urmati pasii din tutorialul Maven (sectiunea Lecture 04) folosind conexiunea de internet "personala" (la universitate merge cu dificultate gasirea pachetelor/plugin-urilor necesare).
Announcement in 16.03.2015 - h: 12:40
In 17.03.2015, Laboratory hours from 12-14:00 will be held from 12:00 to 13:30 (with no break between 12 and 13)!
Announcement in 11.03.2015 - h: 14:45
In 12.03.2015, Laboratory hours from 12-14:00 will be held from 12:00 to 13:30 (with no break between 12 and 13)!
Announcement in 10.03.2015 - h: 15:30
A new version of the Testlink Tutorial available!
Announcement in 09.03.2015 - h: 16:00
- In 10.03.2015, Laboratory hours from 12-14:00 will be held from 12:00 to 13:30 (with no break between 12 and 13)!
Announcement in 08.03.2015 - h:16:25
- Lecture number 3 in 09.03.2015 will be moved from 8:00-10:00 to 10:00-12:00, room 6/II.
- Lecture number 3 at "Medii de proiectare si programare" will be scheduled from 8:00-10:00 in 09.03.2015
Announcement in 21.02.2015 -
- In 24.02.2015 - Group 931/2, the laboratory from 12-14 hours MOVED to 24.02.2015 - to 8-10 hours, L307
- In 26.02.2015 - Group 934/2, the laboratory from 12-14 hours MOVED to 26.02.2015 -to 8-10 hours L306