General - final remarks regarding laboratory and seminar activities until 30 April 2013

  • Seminar activities
    • Students that have not given the seminar paper may take the seminar paper in seminar 5 (one of the seminar class from 22 April to 30 April) - please send and email requesting the seminar paper to be taken
  • Laboratory activities
    • Laboratory 4 must be prepared in class during laboratory 4 and presented (as finalized) in laboratory 5 (from 22 April to 30 April). The students that did not managed to prepared in class (from 8 april to 19 april) they may prepared it and finalized it during the weeks 22 April to 30 April. No delay will be allowed!
    • Laboratory 5 must be developed "at home" before 24 May 2013. All students are required to send the laboratory 5 by email (  by 20:00 hours in 24 May 2013. Later emails will not be considered. Please see the assignment file for laboratory 5 regarding the content of the archive to be send by email.
    • By 24 may 2013, all students must bring the dvd with all the laboratory in room 404, FSEGA building! Or to the tehniciens/administrator! If not, bring the CD to the exam!

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