Teme de licenta


1. Raman spectroscopy interpretation for identifying chemical water pollutants Domenii

Interpretarea spectrelor presupune:

  • trasarea liniei bazale
  • identificarea peak-urilor
  • identificarea substantei pe baza amprentei spectrului
  • aproximarea concentratiei substantei identificate

Date in format numeric temporal. 




Status: Disponibil  



2 Intelligent agriculture Domenii


  • Fruit counting for yield estimation (before harvest) - using RGB, Lidar, etc...
  • Detecting leaf plant desease 
  • Identify optimal nutrition and environment conditions for specific crops/plants (soil nutriments and pH, light, humidity, temperature, etc.)



AI/ML (computer vision)

Embedded sensors

Status: Engaged  



3 Healthy environment - Radon  Domenii

High indoor Radon concentration is the second cause of lung cancer, with high prevalence in the past years related to low ventilated buildings, due to heavily thermal isolation.

Radon concentration values vary very much during the day, to aproximate mean/max values we will be:

  • tuning measurements for households (data available)
  • correlationg with other factors (CO2 concentration)
  • adapting and tuning measurements for work environment



 AI (time series data)

 Geography (location, earthquake corelation)

 Meteorology, physics/chemistry

Status: Engaged  



4 Reduce light pollution Domenii


  • Detecting light sources in an image
  • Spectral analysis of an image (colour temperature)
  • Predicting the extension of light pollution based on satellite images (See https://www.lightpollutionmap.info/) and correlation with health issuesrelated to light pollution for those regions; also correlationwith air pollution on those areas
  • Mapping the streets of a neighbourhood with a luxmeteror SQL or spectrometer and correlating these with existingmaps
  • Design of intelligent street lights that can be remotely con-trolled, function based on time of day, traffic intensity, orgeographic location, adapting to the user behaviour to re-duce light where it is not used, and automatic adjustment ofthe light intensity based on certain conditions


 AI/ML (including object detection)

 Embedded systems / sensors

 Smart cities

 Astronomy (see this)

Status: Engaged  



5 Care for biodiversity Domenii
  •  Bird identification and counting to establish migration population (for example see this)



 AI/ML (image classification and object detection)


Status: Disponibil  



6 Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality for Rehabilitation Domenii
  •  Physical rehabilitation: motion analysis/gesture recognition/body pose recognition and gamification
  •  Psychology: controlled exposure therapy for fobias 
  •  Mental health: gamified CBT, relaxation techniques and immersdion for anxiety reduction



Health/Medicine: Psychology and Physical Rehabilitation

VR/AR environments


Status: Disponibil  


7 Process scheduling optimisation Domenii
  • Efficient resource allocation
  • Automatic performance settings

Operating Systems



Status: Disponibil  




8 Tools for C Code Analysis Domenii
  • Deadlock resource identification
  • Error identification





Status: Disponibil  




9 Data recovery from hard drives Domenii
  • Recover lost data (ext3/4) 
  • Could include optimal strong-password authentication protocols

 Operating Systems



Status: Disponibil  




10 Health and Medicine Domenii
  •  Asses risks for developing specific conditions

 AI/ML (structured medical records)

 Imgage classification (Radiology, MRIs, ultrasounds)

 Text processing (unstructured medical reports)


Status: Disponibil