Tora Coding Competition 2022
Young Coders, it's time!
Time to realise you are Generation C(ode): the ones shaping the future of technology.
It’s a huge responsibility that you have to undertake in an extremely competitive and always-changing industry.
Tech moves fast. You are the generation that has to create solutions for problems that don't even exist yet. No pressure
This is what TCC is all about.
Skill, focus, adaptability, cool head under pressure, creativity and drive!If you are currently enrolled in an IT-related Bachelor Programme, then you are part of Generation C and should sign up YESTERDAY to compete in TCC.
Why not?
Because you get a chance to step out of your comfort zone and into a digital arena
with your future colleagues, future co-founders of unicorn start-ups or future competitors. You may want to get a sense of that environment if you are serious about coding.
Because we constantly hire young talent at TORA.
So you need to know what our performance expectations are and we need to know what your performance potential is.
Because [$] [$] [$]- have you seen the prizes? (1st - 5000€ / 2nd - 3000€ / 3rd -2000€ / Cleanest Code - 1000€)
Do you live in Cluj? Because you will make your landlord very happy, since you won’t have any problems paying rent for the rest of your uni-life (if you win ).
Because we're counting on you.
A warm-up test will be available on our platform on the 19th of November. You’ll get more info about it via email, once you register.
Enough talking.
TORA Coding Competitionhere Register before the 26th of November.
27th of November 12 PM. Open-ended programming competition. 6h of intense coding. Individual participation. Any programmnig language goes. Location: anywhere [remote] - TCC Facebook event isOr even better, register here and now: