Telenav: Mobile development training

Telenav coding school is excited to announce our training program for passionate developers who are looking to learn mobile programming. Our training is designed for students and junior developers who are willing to enrich their knowledge in the area of mobile development. We believe in dedicated coding, high performance process and successful apps on the market.

Training details

  • Technology: iOS/Android
  • Timing: 6 weeks
  • Sessions: 2 hours, twice per week
  • Address: 1, Cuza Voda St, Mezanin Floor
  • Class: 20 students per program, selected on the principle of first in, first served
  • Requirements: Basic programming skills (OOP, design patterns, multi-threaded environment), background in software engineering and computer science

Send us your resume, select your area of interest and we will contact your for more details of the project.

How to apply?

Send us your resume, select your area of interest (iOS or Android) and answer our questions below until October 23rd.

  • What is the difference between an object and a class? Give an example for each.
  • What is the difference between a class method and instance method? Give an example of each.
  • What is the difference between public, private and protected inheritance?
  • What is a virtual function?
  • Describe or give an example of the singleton pattern

We will confirm your participation on October 28th.

Get in touch: