codespringThe Internship opportunity is open for students attending the Faculty of Mathematics – Informatics from the Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca and for the students attending the Faculty of Automation and Computer Science or the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca.

Internships are a great way to get in touch with real projects and have a little „on the job” insight.

Codespring encourages long-term summer internships lasting from 2 to 3 months.

Candidates showing outstanding professional results will be granted a Codespring scholarship for their summer internship projects. To get enrolled in the Codespring summer internship program you need to apply with a professional cv and pass our interview successfully. When applying for a summer internship to Codespring it is an advantage if you have previously been taken part in our mentoring program.

This year’s summer internship program will focus on the following themes:

No. Theme Description Minimal required skills (environment, technologies)
1 Java-based distributed system development Development of complex applications using server-side Java technologies (Java EE, Spring). Very good programming skills, knowledge of OOP, relational databases, design patterns, UML, Java SE, Java frameworks (e.g. logging, ORM etc.), basics of Java-based web development (Servlet API, JSP). Java EE/Spring experience is a plus.
2 Smartphone apps (Android, iOS) Development of mobile client applications, communication with Java-based server applications. Very good programming skills, knowledge of OOP, relational databases, design patterns, UML, Java SE, Java frameworks. Android SDK, Objective C + XCode, Cocoa-Touch, PhoneGap experience is a plus.
3 Robot control Development of controller modules and applications for different robots (small robot cars, robot arms). Image recognition based robot control. Very good programming skills, very good C programming skills, OOP, design patterns, C++/Java programming. Microcontroller programming, Arduino experience is a plus.
4 .Net applications .Net-based desktop and web application development Very good programming skills, knowledge of OOP, relational databases, design patterns, UML, C#/Java programming. .Net experience is a plus.

Internship duration:

  • min. 90 hours (for BBU students)
  • min. 240 hours (for Technical University students)

Number of open positions: 10 students
Registration term: April 30th 2014.
How to apply: Send an e-mail to, including: CV, personal contact information and the theme you want to apply for.
Selection interview: until May 16th 2014.
Announcement of accepted students: until May 30th 2014.
Note: Those students who already applied / are participating at our Mentoring program are in advantage.
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