Study Computer Science during 2015-2016 at Northern Kentucky University (NKU) in Highland Heights, USA
Why Highland Heights, USA?
- Highland Heights is a suburban city located near Cincinnati, OH, a metropolitan area of more than 2 million people.
- Cincinnati is the first major city founded after American Revolution and the first major inland city.
- Cincinnati is home to many manor corporations such as Procter & Gamble, The Kroger Company, etc.
Why NKU?
- Babeş-Bolyai University (BBU) and NKU have an exchange agreement that allows Romanian students to study at NKU without tuition.
- There have been more than 6 students exchanges between these two universities including two in Computer Science.
Why Computer Science?
- Two NKU Computer Science professors are from Romania and graduated and worked at BBU.
- During 2015-2016 academic year, there are available two part-time positions (20 hours per week) for BBU students; these students will work in the Center of Applied Informatics at NKU.
- Your classes will be transferred to BBU.
For more information regarding the academic exchange program between NKU and BBU contact Dr. Anca Andreica, BBU, ( or Dr. Alina Campan, NKU (
To apply please send a CV and a motivation letter to Anca Andreica (
Part-time work opportunities are also available.
Application deadline: June 15, 2015