Standing Committees of the Council of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
For the smooth running of the meetings of the Council of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, the following standing committees shall be set up:
Executive Committee (dean, pro-deans, department directors, chief secretary/chief administrator, student chancellor): the Executive Committee has the role of proposing to the Faculty Council decisions and regulations necessary for the smooth running of the activities of the faculty. The coordinator of the committee is the acting dean.
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Șerban Marcel, dean
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Catinaș Teodora-Maria, pro-decan
- Assos. Prof. Dr. Bota Monica, pro-dean
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suciu Dan-Mircea, pro-dean
- Lect. Dr. Sulyok Csaba, pro-dean
- Prof. dr. Czibula Gabriela
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. András Szilárd, department director
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sterca Adrian-Ioan, department director
- Prof. Dr. Mărcuș Andrei, department director
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Christian Săcărea, director of the German line
- Pop Liliana, chief secretary/head faculty administrator
- Preoteasa Ioan-Silviu, student chancellor
Commission for Scientific Research, Strategy, and Human Resources: coordinates and ensures the orientation of scientific research, development, and innovation activities in the faculty to increase the scientific performance of the faculty’s teaching staff and students. It outlines the general lines of the strategic development policy of the faculty as well as the human resources policy in the medium and long term, analyses and approves the methodology and standards for teaching competitions and the files of candidates proposed for teaching and research posts or various titles and awards.
- Prof. Dr. Czibula Gabriela – coordinator
- Prof. Dr. Breaz Simion
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cătinaș Teodora, pro-dean
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Săcărea Christian
- Mălina Andra-Teodora, PhD student
- Gălățan Tudor, student
Commission for International Cooperation and Interaction with Business and Society: analyses and coordinates the faculty’s internationalization and international cooperation policy and relations with the business environment, monitors and proposes measures to preserve and develop the multi-cultural and multi-lingual character of the faculty.
- Prof. Dr. Crivei Septimiu – Coordinator
- Asoc. Prof. Dr. Sterca Adrian-Ioan, department director
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. András Szilárd, department director
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Darvay Zsolt
- Lect. Dr. Coroiu Adrian-Mihaela
- Oanea Alexandru-Gabriel, student
- Fȋntȋnă Olivia, student
Curriculum, Accreditation, Quality Assurance, Non-traditional Education and Student Relations Committee: reviews and endorses the study programme authorization/accreditation dossiers, the operational and quality assurance plan documents, as well as proposals for non-traditional education programmes in the faculty.
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Soós Anna – Coordinator
- Lect. Dr. Lukacs Andor
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Boian Rares-Florin
- Lect. Dr. Grad Anca
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Darabant Sergiu-Adrian
- Bacea Andreea-Maria, student
- Nagy Boglarka, student
Committee for regulations, budget, and monitoring: analyses and approves, from the perspective of legality, the proposals for resolutions concerning the regulation of various aspects of the internal life of the faculty; proposes new regulations concerning the activity of the faculty; monitors the activities of the executive management of the faculty, analyses and approves the income and expenditure plan of the faculty.
- Prof. Dr. Pop F. Horia – coordinator
- Prof. Dr. Mărcuș Andrei, department director
- Prof. Dr. Dioşan Laura-Silvia
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bufnea Darius-Vasile
- Lect. Dr. Suciu Dan-Mircea
- Lect. Dr. Varga Levente
- Preoteasa Ioan-Silviu, student
Academic Integrity Analysis and Ethical Advisory Committee: analyses situations of deviation from academic ethics
- Prof. Dr. Micula Sanda – coordinator
- Prof. dr. Andreica Anca
- Lect. Dr. Kolumbán Sándor
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Niculescu Virginia
- Lect. Dr. Vancea Alexandru-Ioan
- Crișan Oana-Maria-Cătălina, student
- Biro Csaba Cristian, student