Ruby Tribe 2014 Internship

What we offer:

Ruby Tribe offers an internship of 6 weeks in June/July 2014 for open-minded and motivated people that love programming.

The internship program will teach you Ruby, Ruby on Rails and Behavior Driven Development skills in an Agile Environment. Previous knowledge of Ruby is not needed, being motivated is. Candidates will work on projects in the Startup scene after proven skills.

Ruby is a reflective, dynamic, object-oriented programming language.

Ruby Tribe offers you a homely environment for exploring new technologies using Agile methods, while working for startups and international projects.

Selection process:

Please send us a Romanian or English CV to the following e-mail address: We will be back to you soon and call you to an interview at our office (Emil Isac 23).

Nr. of interns: 10-15 persons

Robbert Visser
Tel: +40 737 529 209