Recruitment for the Hermes Society has begun!

Recruitment for the Hermes Society has begun! Upon your arrival, the volunteer organization comprised of students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science extends its warmest welcome and best wishes for the upcoming academic year.

You will meet them many times during your student years, often at the projects organized by them for the students of the faculty. These projects include Guide Days, Freshmen Ball, Hermes Hackathon, Destress, Careers In IT and SSMI (Mathematics and Computer Science Students’ Week). Are you curious to discover them? Watch out!

Having said that, we are officially announcing that the Hermes Society is hiring! If you want to volunteer in the faculty, feel like a family, or even get out of your comfort zone, we encourage you to take the first step in your student life and sign up by scanning the QR code in the image below! More details can be found on their social media pages: