Prof. Dr. Tomasz Brzeziński (University of Bialystok si Swansea University): Towards deformation theory of trusses
Joi 04.05.2023, in sala pi, de la ora 10, in cadrul Seminarului de Algebra din cadrul departamentului de Matematica, Prof. Dr. Tomasz Brzeziński (University of Bialystok si Swansea University) va sustine conferinta:
Towards deformation theory of trusses
Abstract: In 2006 Carinena, Grabowski and Marmo proposed a specific deformation of multiplication of an associative algebra by a Nijenhuis-type operator. The associativity of the deformed product is controlled by Hochschild cohomology. This deformation has an “affine” flavour and can be extended to trusses (abelian heaps with distributing associative multiplication), which requires one to develop Hochschild cohomology for trusses. In this talk I will describe deformation of trusses through Nijenhuis operators and the corresponding modification of Hochschild cohomology.