Prof. dr. Gabriel Ciobanu: Timed Migration and Interaction in Distributed Systems

Joi, 12.03.2015, ora 11:00
sala T. Popoviciu (5/I), clădirea centrală a univ. Babeş-Bolyai, str. M. Kogălniceanu, nr. 1

Timed Migration and Interaction in Distributed Systems


Prof. dr. Gabriel Ciobanu


After introducing the timed distributed pi-calculus, we developed a formalism (called TiMo) bridging the gap between the existing process calculi and forthcoming realistic languages for multi-agent systems involving explicit locations, local clocks, as well as timed migration and interaction. Several variants of TiMo were developed during the last years: a probabilistic extension pTiMo, a real-time version rTiMo, TiMo with access permissions. Interesting properties of distributed systems described by TiMo refer to various time constraints over process migration and communication, bounded liveness and optimal reachability. A verification tool was developed by using an extensible platform for model checkers. A formal relationship between rTiMo and timed automata allows the use of model checking capabilities provided by UPPAAL.

About the Speaker

Gabriel Ciobanu is affiliated with the Romanian Academy of Sciences and „A. I. Cuza” University of Iasi; he is also a visiting full professor at Newcastle University (School of Computing Science). His research interests include Distributed Systems and Concurrency, Natural Computation (membrane computing), and Theory of Programming (Semantics, Formal Methods, Algebraic Models). Gabriel Ciobanu is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Scientific Annals of Computer Science, evaluated recently by SCImago as one of the best Eastern European journals in Computer Science.