Prof. dr. Dan Burghelea, Ohio State University, USA: Barcodes and Morse theory
Prof. dr. Dan Burghelea, Ohio State University, USA va susține vineri 8 noiembrie 2019, ora 13, în sala „pi”, din clădirea Mathematica conferință invitată cu titlul:
Barcodes and Morse theory
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Inspired by Morse theory on smooth manifolds, the computer scientists and data analysts have proposed a new class of topological invariants for a pair (X,f), X a (nice) topological space, f:X-> R a (tame) continuous map. This is a collection of four type of intervals (closed, open, closed-open, open-closed) for any r=0,1,2,….. referred to as „barcodes”.
It turns out that these invariants determine and refine the so called Morse complex of a Morse function on a closed smooth Riemannian manifold and, more important, extend the Morse theory to a considerably larger class of situations of interest outside topology. Moreover, these invariants are computable by computer implementable algorithms.
This lecture is a summary presentation of this story for the benefits of experts and non-experts as well.
Inspirati de teoria Morse pe varietati diferentiale, informaticieni si experti in „data analysis” au propus o nou clasa de invarianti topologici pentru o pereche (X,f), cu X un spatiu topologic compact (nice) si f:X-> R o functie continua (tame), constituita pentru fiecare intreg nenegativ din 4 clase de intervale: inchise, deschise, inchise-deschise si deschise-inchise numite „barcodes”.
Acesti invarianti determina (chiar mai mult, rafineaza) complexul Morse asociat unei functii Morse pe o varietate inchisa Riemaniana. Mai important, extinde teoria Morse la o clasa considerabil mai larga de situatii de interest in afara topologiei.
Lectia prezenta este o presentare, relativ elementara, a acestei „alternative la teoria Morse” spre beneficiul atat al expertiilor cat si al posibil utilizatorilor nematematicieni.