Prof. dr. Christiane Tammer, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg: Optimality conditions for approximate solutions of optimization problems with variable domination structures

În cadrul Seminarului de Cercetare Analiză și Optimizare, joi, 9 ianuarie 2025, de la ora 12.30, Prof. dr. Christiane Tammer, de la Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Faculty of Natural Sciences II, Institute of Mathematics va susține o prezentare cu titlul:

Optimality conditions for approximate solutions of optimization problems with variable domination structures

(joint work with Truong Q. Bao, Boris S. Mordukhovich and Antoine Soubeyran)

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Abstract: In this talk, we are dealing with vector optimization problems in infinite-dimensional spaces where the solution concept is given by variable domination structures. Vector optimization with variable domination structures is a growing up and expanding field of applied mathematics that deals with optimization problems where the domination structure is given by a set-valued map. Interesting and important applications of vector optimization with variable domination structure arise in economics, behavioral sciences, in portfolio management, location theory and radiotherapy treatment in medicine. We introduce several concepts for (approximate) solutions to vector optimization problems with variable domination structures and show corresponding characterizations by means of nonlinear functionals. Furthermore, we derive necessary conditions for approximate solutions using techniques from variational analysis. These results are useful for further research on the field of vector optimization with variable domination structure, especially, for deriving numerical procedures