Category Archives: News & Announcements

The Sensera team consisting of students of our faculty in the final of the Innovation Labs 2024 competition

The Sensera team consisting of students of our faculty in the final of the Innovation Labs 2024 competition
The Sensera team, consisting of first-year students from our faculty in the Mathematics Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence departments, namely Deaconu Mihai, Bocra Răzvan, Boroica Marius, and Brad Beniamin, qualified for the finals of this year’s Innovation Labs competition. The Sensera team members proposed a solution based on rehabilitation gamification and the use of mirror

Student camps in 2024

Student camps in 2024
Please send your application to between May 27 and June 14, 2024, between 9 a.m. and noon, if you’re interested in a spot at a student camp. The following are all of the documents that must be considered for a student camp spot. You can find more information about the 2024 camp program on

Cluj Hackathon

The UBB student community is invited to the second edition of the biggest hackathon in Romania – the Cluj Hackathon. Our mission is clear: to harness the power of AI to create valuable solutions to real-world problems everywhere in our community. Go beyond the buzzwords and join a community of visionaries and practitioners who are

Collection of fees for outstanding exams for final year students (including students with study extensions)

We ask students enrolled in the third year of study and extension of studies at the bachelor’s level, as well as those in the second year of study and extension of studies at the master’s level, who have outstanding exams contracted in the academic year 2023/2024, semester II, to pay for these by May 21,

Completion of study contracts for the academic year 2024/2025

Students from the first and second years on the bachelor’s level and the first year on the master’s level (academic year 2023/2024) are required to complete the Study Contract in the AcademicInfo application between May 1 and 31, 2024. The list of optional courses and educational plans is available at: Students can consult the syllabi

Final results of the BBU Math-CS Contest 2024

Candidații cu Facilitatea A: Proba de Matematica, Proba de Informatica Candidații cu Facilitatea B: Proba de Matematica, Proba de Informatica Candidații din clasa XI: Proba de Matematica, Proba de Informatica

2000 laptops with an Internet connection for BBU students who are beneficiaries of a social aid grant and/or a temporary social scholarship

Dear students Within the Competitiveness Operational Program, Babeş-Bolyai University signed a financing contract for the implementation of the TIC4UBB project, ID 144800. For a limited time, the project purchased 2000 laptops with an included Internet connection. To be eligible to receive a laptop, BBU students must cumulatively meet the following conditions: to be full-time students

EIT Digital Summer Schools

EIT Digital Summer Schools
Summer School Designed for Success Join the brightest minds and learn how to develop tech business ideas that can get off the ground! EIT Digital Summer School programmes are open for bachelor and master students, young professionals, and others who want to deep-dive into emerging digital technologies, learn how to turn technology into business, and eventually launch deep-tech

Medals for representatives of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at SEEMOUS 2024

Medals for representatives of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at SEEMOUS 2024
From April 9 to 14, 2024, the 2024th edition of the South-Eastern European Mathematics Competition for Students (SEEMOUS) was held at the Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” in Iași: In this competition, our students received six medals: A gold medal: Pop Claudiu-Gabriel, Computer Mathematics, 2nd year (third place in the competition) 5 bronze medals: Nicoară

The distribution of participants in the BBU Match-CS Competition 2024 by room and subject

The distribution of participants in the BBU Match-CS Competition 2024 by room and subject Rules for conducting the written exam of the BBU Match-CS Competition 2024, 20 April 2024 The candidates shall be present at the examination venues and in front of the distributed rooms by April 20, 2024, at 7:30 a.m. at the latest.