Category Archives: News & Announcements

Master’s Degree for the jobs of the future: Data Science for Industry and Society

Master’s Degree for the jobs of the future: Data Science for Industry and Society
Press release, April 6, 2022 The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca launches the Data Science for Industry and Society master's degree, which prepares students for future jobs, giving them the opportunity to obtain highly sought-after technical certifications on the labor market. The courses start in October a.c., within the

Subjects and solutions for the BBU Math-CS contest, 2022 edition

Computer science subjects and solutions Mathematics subjects and solutions

A story with algorithms and numbers. Grigor Moldovan, one of the pioneers of Romanian computer science

A story with algorithms and numbers. Grigor Moldovan, one of the pioneers of Romanian computer science
Recently, both the printed edition of Adevărul and the online edition ( devoted an extensive article to the distinguished professor emeritus of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Grigor Moldovan, one of the pioneers of Romanian computer science. A Romanian mathematician and computer scientist, Grigor Moldovan dedicated his whole life to his passion -

First networking event organized by CS InnoHUB

First networking event organized by CS InnoHUB
Let's get to know each other! CS InnoHUB ( is organizing the first networking event with the aim of bringing student innovators, mentors, and entrepreneurs from the local ecosystem to the same table. The event is especially aimed at students who have an innovative idea and are interested in what the next steps are in

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science announces the launch of CS InnoHUB

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science announces the launch of CS InnoHUB
CS InnoHUB aims to form a community of students passionate about innovation and entrepreneurship, provide opportunities to develop entrepreneurial skills, and facilitate access to a network of mentors in the local entrepreneurship ecosystem. You can find details and activities here: If you would like to join and learn about our activities, please fill in

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science organizes a workshop on Entrepreneurial Creative Thinking

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science organizes a workshop on Entrepreneurial Creative Thinking
The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science launches the CS InnoHUB as part of the Innochange program with the aim of creating a community consisting of students with innovative and entrepreneurial thinking, where creative, innovative, and entrepreneurial skills are trained, and students' business ideas are encouraged and supported. The first event we are organizing is

Team Manuscrito in the world finals of Imagine Cup 2022, Education section

Team Manuscrito in the world finals of Imagine Cup 2022, Education section
The Imagine Cup is Microsoft's largest technology competition worldwide, where thousands of students competed this year with exciting projects incorporating cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Power Platform, and Big Data. Teams participated in this year's 4 sections of the competition: Earth, Education, Health, and Lifestyle, and a total of 48 global finalist teams were

Teambuilding in the ROSE project

Teambuilding in the ROSE project
If you don't have any plans for this weekend, join us at the team building in the STAY! 2 project. On Saturday, March 26th, from 12 noon, grab your colleagues and come to Iuliu Hațieganu Park (in front of Universitas Hotel) - this is where the challenges start. There will be team activities and lots

UBB students and researchers are invited to participate in the Games of Science 2022 competition

UBB students and researchers are invited to participate in the Games of Science 2022 competition
As a partner of the British Council Romania, the Babeș-Bolyai University (BBU) of Cluj-Napoca invites bachelor, master, and doctoral students in the fields of mathematics, computer science, engineering, chemistry, physics, biology, geology, environmental science, mechanics, aged between 20 and 34, to participate in the competition Games of Science run by the British Council Romania in

Register for the IoT Club

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science is starting an IoT Club for those who want to gain hands-on knowledge about the Internet of Things. It involves working in teams of three for most of the second semester to develop a real-life and useful IoT application (and expand one’s knowledge while at it). If you: are