Category Archives: News & Announcements

Regarding the admission exam on bachelor’s level, July 2022

The written test will begin on JULY 19, 2022, at 8:30 in the morning. Candidates must be present in front of the classroom in which they were assigned at 7:30 on JULY 19, 2022. Complete information on the distribution of candidates in the classrooms will be published on the faculty website on JULY 18, 2022.

Calendar, required documents, and registration procedure for the final examinations in September 2022

This procedure is intended for students wishing to take the bachelor's exam in the September 2022 session. 1. The similarity of the bachelor thesis will be tested using Turnitin: The group responsible will be contacted to receive access to the Turnitin software. The similarity test of the bachelor thesis will be conducted using Turnitin without applying

Number of undergraduate student places, July 2022

Field Specialisation State funding Tuition Rural Requested by the Romania Intelligence Service Computer Science Computer science 141 53 6 Computer science (english) 146 52 Computer science (hungarian) 87 33 Computer science (german) 50 50 Mathematics Mathematics 20 30 Mathematics (hungarian) 15 15 Mathematics for computer science 26 149 Mathematics for computer science  (hungarian) 12 13

Language proficiency exams 2022 for FMCS students at the Lingua Centre

To register for the admission exams (on a bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral level) and for the final exams at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (FMCS), candidates must present a certificate of language proficiency for university studies in a foreign language. The Lingua Centre from the Babeș-Bolyai University offers such certificates of language proficiency

Calendar of the competition for admission to the Postgraduate Program in Computer Science at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, July 2022 Session

Registration period online: July 15-24, 2022; Candidates are registered exclusively online on the admission platform (the link will be active later). Display of results: July 25, 2022; Confirmation of the place by paying the first installment of the tuition fee in the amount of 1250 lei and completing the study contract on the admission platform:

2nd Workshop on Applied Deep Learning (WeADL 2022)

2nd Workshop on Applied Deep Learning (WeADL 2022)
The 2nd Workshop on Applied Deep Learning (WeADL 2022) will take place on Friday, June 3rd and will focus on presenting some of the recent research results in the usage of artificial intelligence for short-term forecasting (nowcasting) of extreme weather events. Speakers from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute, the Romanian National Weather Administration as well as

The IX. Edition of the Excellentia Awards (2022)

Dear teachers and students! We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that nominations for the Excellentia Awards have begun! To nominate, click on the link at the end of this text. For more details on how to submit nominations and how to vote, please see the Excellentia Awards Rules! The Excellentia Awards

Come and hear the story of a start-up!

Come and hear the story of a start-up!
The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science together with CS InnoHub, as part of the Alumni Days, invite you to a unique event on the 13th of May 2022. Students and alumni who already have a start-up will guide you by telling you about their experience at the Student Start-up Stories event organized by CS

Change4Impact Hackathon

The Change4Impact Hackathon will take place on the weekend of May 27-29. It is a competition with great prizes on a topic that is absolutely necessary in today’s world: Sustainability. It’s a serious chance to win some money with friends and unleash ideas with environmental and social impact. Details on the prizes can be found

Microsoft Certified Fundamentals courses for students

The EOS Foundation in partnership with Microsoft will organize in May 2022 a number of 4 Microsoft Certified Fundamentals courses for students. Interested students will benefit free of charge from the following: Access to the chosen online course on the Microsoft Learn platform (in English). Participation in an intensive course (4+4 hours) taught by an