Category Archives: News & Announcements

Start of performance training in Computer Science, supported by the Noua ne Pasă Foundation through the program “Let’s go to the Olympics!”

Start of performance training in Computer Science, supported by the Noua ne Pasă Foundation through the program “Let’s go to the Olympics!”
Performance training in informatics, supported by the Nouă ne Pasă Foundation through the "Let's go to the Olympics!" program, will continue its activity this school year as well. The center is coordinated by the Computer Science Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at Babeş-Bolyai University, in collaboration with the Cluj County School Inspectorate.

Romanian AI Days, 2022 edition

The Romanian AI Days is an annual event dedicated to the Artificial Intelligence community in Romania. The event is open to all AI enthusiasts (from beginners to experts, from academia and industry, students, and alumni) and aims to build bridges between the Romanian and international communities. The event will consist of two days of technical

Data verification in the application folder and submission of appeals related to the admission on master’s level, September 2022

The data verification of the information entered by the Admission Commission in the application file is done using the Babeș-Bolyai University application platform, available at After the successful authentication of the candidate, the platform will display the folders and their status. The folders that have the status Registered, have been processed and entered in

Number of master student places, September 2022

Domain Specialization Study places Tuition-free Tuition-paying Total Mathematics (Maximum capacity of the field is 200) Modern Methods in Teaching Mathematics (Romanian) 14 30 44 Modern Methods in Teaching Mathematics (Hungarian) 7 39 46 Advanced Mathematics (English) 0 39 39 Computer Science (Maximum capacity of the field is 500) Databases (Romanian) 15 77 92 Distributed Systems

To the attention of the candidates admitted on fee-paying places in the admission session of July 2022

If there are any budgeted study places available between 28 July 2022 and 31 August 2022, they will be filled by candidates admitted on fee-paying places, from the same specialization, in descending order of the average grade, on 1 September 2022, provided they meet the eligibility conditions and only for those who have submitted their

For candidates who have participated at the admission session on Bachelor level in July 2022 and wish to withdraw from the admission competition

A candidate who has been declared admitted and submits a request to withdraw from the July 2022 admission competition of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science must go through the following steps: The candidate fills in the data requested in the form: Fill the withdrawal request; A candidate who is withdrawing from a

Application for tuition reimbursement for 2022

This form may be used to request tuition reimbursement for the following categories of candidates: Candidates who have been reassigned from a tuition-paying seat to a budgeted seat after the admission examination in July 2022 and who are requesting tuition reimbursement. Candidates who were admitted to a tuition-paying seat after the admission examination in July

Tuition fees for the academic year 2022-2023

Tuition is payable by students either in full or in installments. The partial payment option works as follows: by confirmation of the study place for students in their first academic year and by October 15 for students in other academic years, at least 25% of the annual tuition; by December 5, at least 50% of

Atos Paid Summer Internship 2022

We are looking for students who are willing to improve their Software Development skills, by joining our paid summer program, which will take place between the 1st of August and the 30th of September. In this program, we will form a team of software developers who will implement a web application using the following technologies:

Calendar, required documents, and registration procedure for the master’s examinations in September 2022

This procedure is intended for students wishing to take the master's exam in the June-September 2022 session. 1. The similarity of the master’s thesis will be tested using Turnitin: The group responsible will be contacted to receive access to the Turnitin software; The similarity test of the master’s thesis will be conducted using Turnitin without