Category Archives: News & Announcements

For first year undergraduate and master students

The completion of study contracts by first year students, on the platform Academic Info, will take place from 23-30 September 2022. For higher years, the completion/modification of study contracts is possible until the 4th  of October 2022. The delivery of the study contracts, listed and signed, will take place as follows: First year students, on

Redistribution of vacant accommodation places for the academic year 2022/2023

Students interested in a remaining dormitory space must complete the form and upload an application to by the 4th of October, 2022, 1 p.m. Reapply form IMPORTANT: Only applications submitted at this stage will be considered for reallocation of dormitory spaces! Applications will be processed in order of the average grade. Students who did

List of students and groups for the academic year 2022-2023

You can find the individual student identification code on Academic Info. The funding type that appears in the lists below is the final one for the academic year 2022-2023. Undergraduate programmes Computer Science (English) Computer Science (German) Computer Science (Hungarian) Computer Science (Romanian) Mathematics (Hungarian) Mathematics (Romanian) Mathematics Computer Science (English) Mathematics Computer Science (Hungarian)

Festive opening of the 2022-2023 academic year for first-year students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

The festive opening of the 2022-2023 academic year for first-year students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer-Science will take place on October 3rd, 2022, at 12:00 noon, by specialization, as follows: October 3rd, 2022, 12:00 noon, Aula Victor Jinga – FSEGA building, Teodor Mihali street no. 58-60, for the specializations Mathematics (Romanian), Mathematics and Computer Science (Romanian); Mathematics and

For the attention of first-year students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

The Hermes Society, the student organization of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, supports first-year students by creating groups on social media platforms for them. On these groups, the Hermes Society has student representatives, who deal with the transmission of information of interest to freshmen. First-year students are encouraged to join the following groups: Computer Science

The distribution of students in dormitories for the academic year 2022/2023

The allocation of places in the student dormitories is displayed in the Academic Info application at: The dormitory assignments for doctoral students are sent to the personal email of each doctoral student by the secretary of the Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science. Complaints can be filed electronically by completing the following form:

Completion of study contracts for the academic year 2022/2023

The completion of the study contracts by first-year students in Academic Info will take place from 23rd - 30th of September 2022. For higher years, the completion/modification of the study contracts is possible until the 30th of September of the current year. The delivery of the study contracts, printed and signed, will be done as

The calendar for the organization of the elections and the appointment of the members of the Council of the Doctoral School of Mathematics and Informatics and of the director of the doctoral school – October 2022

October 3 – 5, 2022: Submission of applications (candidates for the doctoral school council; director candidacy), daily, between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., in room 137, str. M. Kogălniceanu no. 1 (Central University Building). The application file must include: application submission request; curriculum vitae; the list of works and the fulfilment sheet of the minimum

Final results for the admission on bachelor’s level, September 2022

Start of performance training in mathematics, supported by the Noua ne Pasă Foundation through the program “Let’s go to the Olympics!”

Start of performance training in mathematics, supported by the Noua ne Pasă Foundation through the program “Let’s go to the Olympics!”
Performance training in mathematics, supported by the Noua ne Pasă Foundation through the program "Let's go to the Olympics!" (, will continue its activity this school year as well. The center is coordinated by the Mathematics Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at Babeş-Bolyai University, in collaboration with the Cluj County School