Category Archives: News & Announcements

Important notice for students of the second year, Bachelor’s level, and first year, Master’s level regarding the choice of an academic supervisor for the bachelor’s/dissertation thesis

The choice of a supervisor for the bachelor's/dissertation thesis will be possible as of November 1, 2022.

Visiting the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science within the “Scoala altfel” (a different school) week

This academic year, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science opens its doors to pupils from the pre-university education level who wish to visit the faculty. The visits can take place either physically (at the faculty premises) or online. We thus want to offer the chance to as many pupils as possible to feel the pulse

Information for students wishing to participate in computer science (algorithmic) competitions

Students wishing to participate in the Computer Science (Algorithmic) Competitions in the academic year 2022-2023, are kindly requested to enter the Discord channel below and complete the entry form: Information about the selection process will be available in a few days.

Submission of applications for individual housing allowances by students who meet the conditions of OUG No. 73 of September 30, 2004

To students living in premises other than those from the BBU dormitories and who meet the conditions of OUG No. 73 of September 30, 2004, on the granting of individual housing allowances: Like the scholarship applications, this application must be submitted to the faculties through the scholarship platform by 28/10/2022: Cerere subventie individuala cazare

Opening event CS InnoHub 2022

Opening event CS InnoHub 2022
The beginning of the academic year gives us the opportunity to gather around the CS InnoHub projects and to organize new activities for the students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. We invite you to the first event in a series of ambitious CS InnoHub events scheduled this academic year, where we will

Information for students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science: Occupational safety and emergency situations training for students on a bachelor’s/master’s level, on the occasion of the beginning of activity at the BBU according to IP-SSM 53-1

At the start of the academic year (2022-2023), all students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science are obliged to understand and respect the legislation in force: Instructaj introductiv general SM si SU studenti 2022.pdf - Occupational safety and emergency situations training carried out to students on bachelor’s/master's level, on the occasion of the start

Launch of the special scholarships competition for scientific activity 2022-2023

We inform you about the launch of the special scholarships competition for scientific activity 2022-2023 at Babeș-Bolyai University. Regulation on the granting of scholarships for students - undergraduate and master's study cycles - Approved by HS no. 48/11.04.2022; The regulation regarding the granting of special scholarships for scientific activity can be found in Annex 5;

CS InnoHUB is looking for volunteers

CS InnoHUB is looking for volunteers
Join the CS InnoHUB team and help us grow ideas, projects and let’s learn together. We want to organize interesting events for the students of the faculty this year, to make CS InnoHUB the place where passion and creativity bear fruit. For this, we need your help; everyone can contribute, learn and become part of

Register for the IoT Club

The Mathematics and Computer Science Faculty is hosting an IoT Club. The participants to this club may converse on IoT topics, receive guidance for implementing their own IoT projects or participate in the implementation of a real life, useful IoT app. If you are in the 2nd or 3rd year of study like computer architecture,

Professor Wolfgang Breckner turns 80 years old

Professor Wolfgang Breckner turns 80 years old
On Thursday, October 6th, 2022, our colleague, Professor Emeritus Wolfgang W. Breckner, will reach the beautiful age of 80. He was a brilliant professor of our faculty, with outstanding results in scientific research that are internationally recognized. Numerous invitations from abroad for conferences or collaborations also prove this. He was an exceptional teacher whose lectures