Category Archives: News & Announcements

Decision of the Faculty Council – The methodology for the organization and conduct of final examinations at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science in the examination periods June-July, respectively, September 2023

Approved by the Faculty Council at the meeting held on November 15, 2022 This methodology is an annex to the Regulation on the organization and conduct of final examinations for bachelor’s and master’s degree studies approved by the UBB Senate Decision and is in accordance with the provisions of the National Education Law No.1/2011, together

Information for final-year students who have not chosen a scientific coordinator for their bachelor’s/master’s thesis yet

Final-year students who have not chosen a scientific coordinator for their bachelor’s/ master’s thesis by March 1, 2023, will be assigned ex officio to the remaining vacancies, taking into account the most uniform distribution of the number of papers among the teaching staff. Final-year students assigned to specializations from the Department of Computer Science have

The assessment of the teaching activity by the students

Dear students, Your involvement in assessing the quality of the teaching activity carried out in Babeş-Bolyai University is very important. The Qualitas Centre invites you to participate actively. You can do this quickly and efficiently by completing online, semi-annually, the evaluation questionnaires of courses, seminars or practical works, respectively of the disciplines. Questionnaires are available

“Destress”, 2022 edition

“Destress”, 2022 edition
“Destress” is an event dedicated exclusively to first-year students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. The participants, together with the teachers, will be involved in a series of activities carried out in a semi-formal setting, activities that aim to achieve the following objectives: Techniques useful for effective learning (time management, stress management, etc.); Socialization

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Babeș-Bolyai University is partner in the TDIH project co-financed by the European Commission through the Digital Europe Program

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Babeș-Bolyai University is partner in the TDIH project co-financed by the European Commission through the Digital Europe Program
On Thursday, November 24th, 2022 the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Babeș-Bolyai University participated, as a partner, in the TDIH project ( at the Digitization Exploratorium – Innovative Validation Hackathon event. The event took place at the Regional Center of Excellence for Creative Industries (CREIC) between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The TDIH project, co-financed by the European

DefCamp 2022 DCTF competition victory for the team “The Few Chosen”, which consists of students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

DefCamp 2022 DCTF competition victory for the team “The Few Chosen”, which consists of students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Every year, the largest cybersecurity conference in Central Europe – DefCamp – takes place in Bucharest. During these days, in addition to various presentations on cybersecurity, different competitions are held, the most important of which is DCTF, an Attack&Defense style Capture-the-Flag (CTF) competition. This year, the students of our faculty, Niță Horia Teodor and Toma

List of students receiving special scholarships for scholarly activities in the 2022-2023 academic year

Domeniul Matematica Pozitia Nr. matricol Nota 1. 513 9.53 2. 395 9.46 Domeniul Informatica Pozitia Nr. matricol Nota 1 2665 9.95 2 2478 9.45 3 504 9.42 4 12983 8.85

Collection of fees for retake/remaining exams from the WINTER session (including students in extension of schooling)

Students enrolled at bachelor’s level, year II, III and in extension of schooling or at master’s level, year II of study and in extension of schooling who need to retake/have remaining disciplines contracted in the academic year 2022/2023, semester I, are asked to pay for the retake/remaining exams until December 29th, 2022. Students enrolled in

InnoHack – Hackathon organized by CS InnoHub

InnoHack – Hackathon organized by CS InnoHub
Do you have an innovative idea 💡 and a team eager to implement it? Come to InnoHack, build a prototype for your idea and get feedback from the mentors present at the event. 📍Where: Science Cafe @ NTT building, Tower 2, 9th floor 🕰️ When: 26-27 November (Saturday from 13:00, Sunday from 09:00) ☕ What’s

Workshop dedicated to the memory of Professor Gabriela Kohr: Geometric Function Theory in Several Complex Variables and Complex Banach Spaces

Workshop dedicated to the memory of Professor Gabriela Kohr: Geometric Function Theory in Several Complex Variables and Complex Banach Spaces
In the period December 1-3, 2022, at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, it will take place the Workshop dedicated to the memory of Professor Gabriela Kohr: Geometric Function Theory in Several Complex Variables and Complex Banach Spaces The workshop will take place on the ZOOM platform (the link