Category Archives: News & Announcements

The UNbreakable Romania cyber security program returns in 2023

The UNbreakable Romania cyber security program returns in 2023
Do you want to be part of the nation’s cybersecurity elite by learning first-hand best practices and basics from experts to help you take the first steps toward a career in the field? Come to UNbreakable Romania 2023! Sign up for free to the most complex cyber security program in the country, here: The calendar of activities

Presentation of the Erasmus+ program for the academic year 2023-2024 (for the students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science)

On March 14, 2023 (Tuesday), from 8 p.m., in room 2/I, the presentation of the ERASMUS+ program will take place. All those interested in the ERASMUS placement between July and September 2023 or study mobility in the academic year 2023-2024 are welcome.

The XI edition of the event “CariereÎnIT” opens its doors to students!

The XI edition of the event “CariereÎnIT” opens its doors to students!
From March 6 to 9, 2023, the most awaited IT career fair will take place on the ground floor of the FSEGA building. 💻 The Hermes Society, the student organization of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, awaits everyone to participate in four days full of activities: 📌6 March: Opening. – Speeches by the

BBU Math-CS Contest 2023 – Registering a new candidate

In order to register for the BBU Math-CS Contest 2023  you need to perform the following steps: Pay the registration fee of 300 RON by filling in the form: After successful completion of the payment, you will receive a payment confirmation email, to which you must take a screenshot and save it as a

Presentation session of the Cyber Security Master’s programme under the aegis of EIT Digital

Presentation session of the Cyber Security Master’s programme under the aegis of EIT Digital
On March 2nd, 2023, starting at 16:00 (Romanian time), there will be an information session about the master’s programme in Cyber Security organized under the aegis of EIT Digital (European Institute of Innovation & Technology) at a number of leading universities in Europe, including the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the  Babeș-Bolyai University.

Methodology on the similarity analysis on doctoral theses elaborated within the Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science (SDMI)

BABES-BOLYAI UNIVERSITY, CLUJ-NAPOCA FACULTY FOR MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE DOCTORAL SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE No. 8/25.01.2023 1. Preamble Art. 1 This Methodology is based on the following document, supplemented by regulations specific to the fields of Mathematics and Computer Science: Appendix 1 to the Regulations for the organization and conduct of doctoral studies

2000 laptops with Internet connection for BBU students with social aid scholarship

Babeș-Bolyai University signed a financing contract within the Competitiveness Operational Program, for the implementation of a project entitled TIC4UBB, ID 144800. Through the project, 2000 laptops with included Internet connection were purchased for a limited period of time. To be eligible to receive a laptop, BBU students must cumulatively meet the following conditions: to be students enrolled in one of

Presentation of the master’s programme in Cyber Security that will start at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science under the aegis of EIT (European Institute of Innovation & Technology)

Presentation of the master’s programme in Cyber Security that will start at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science under the aegis of EIT (European Institute of Innovation & Technology)
Dear students, On  the 9th of February 2023 (Thursday), at 15:30, we kindly invite you to the online presentation of the master’s programme in Cyber Security that will start at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science under the aegis of EIT (European Institute of Innovation & Technology). The presentation includes the offers of this

Invitation to the defense of the habilitation thesis with the title Contributions to open problems of Software Engineering, of Ms. Assist. Prof. Andreea VESCAN, Ph.D.

On February 7, 2023, at 9 am, there will be a public defense of the habilitation thesis of Andreea VESCAN. Ph.D. with the title Contributions to Topics in Software Engineering (Contributions to open problems in Software Engineering). The defense of the habilitation thesis will take place in the Tiberiu Popoviciu amphitheater (5/I), BBU central building, M.

Decision no. 72/26.01.2023 of the Council of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science on the use of the doctoral grant starting from the academic year 2022-2023

The Faculty Council, having regard to the BBU Methodology on the use of research funds from doctoral grants approved by the BBU Council on 2.12.2014 and Resolution No. 2938/21.03.2022 of the BBU council on the distribution of the doctoral grant by categories of expenditure starting from the academic year 2021-2022, approves the following resolution: The