Category Archives: News & Announcements

Prof. Dr. Mușata Bocoș & Lect. Dr. Ciprian Baciu Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca: Scientific writing in the field of educational sciences and computer science

During the Innovation and Development Seminar within the Computer Science Department, Prof. Dr. Mușata Bocoș and Lect. Dr. Ciprian Baciu, will give a presentation entitled ” Scientific writing in the field of educational sciences and computer science ” on 24.05.2023 / 12:30-13:30 p.m., room C335. Professors: Prof. Dr. Mușata Bocoș, Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca Lect. Dr. Ciprian Baciu, Babeș-Bolyai University

Nicoleta PFEFFER-BARBELA, MSc. citySTILLE Mindfulness Center Vienna: Mindful Connections Workshop

As part of the Innovation and Development Seminar within the Computer Science Department, Nicoleta PFEFFER-BARBELA , MSc., founder of citySTILLE Mindfulness Center Vienna,, will speak on 10.05.2023 / 12:30-13:30 p.m., room C335 a Mindfulness Workshop entitled: Mindful Connections – The Neuroscience & Practice of Mindfulness in Higher Education Context. In a world where everything moves at an ever-increasing

Collection of fees for outstanding examinations in the SUMMER examination period (including students with study extension)

Students enrolled in the bachelor’s degree program, 2nd and 3rd year, and the master’s degree program, 2nd year and extension of study, who have outstanding subjects under contract in the academic year 2022/2023, 2nd semester, are requested to pay the fees for outstanding examinations by May 25, 2023. Students who are enrolled in the Postgraduate

Completion of study contracts for the academic year 2023/2024

Students from the first and second year on bachelor’s level and the first year on master’s level (academic year 2022/2023) are required to complete the Study Contract in the AcademicInfo application between May 2-31, 2023.   The list of optional courses and educational plans is available at: Students can make their choice after consulting the discipline

Roxana Crișan, Senior Engineering Manager at GrabMaps, Grab: BigData applied to production Map-making with Spark

We invite you to participate in the presentation given by Ms. Roxana Crișan, Senior Engineering Manager at GrabMaps, Grab, within INNODES, April 26, 2023, 12 noon, room C335, entitled: BigData applied to production Map-making with Spark Abstract: The presentation will focus on sharing real life problems where a big data approach applies and, more specifically, we’ll look at

Admission calendar for doctoral studies 2023-2024, July session

July 10-14, 2023, until 2:00 p.m.: online registration of candidates for the admission competition on the admission platform (details can be consulted at Admission exams: July 17, 2023, 09:00 a.m.: Admission colloquium for candidates in the field of Computer Science (FSEGA building, str. T. Mihali, no. 58-60, room 335). July 17, 2023, 09:00 a.m.:

Invitation to the defense of the habilitation thesis of Assoc. Prof. Cosma Ovidiu, PhD, with the title Contributions to the Fields of Combinatorial Optimization and Machine Learning

On April 27, 2023, from 11:00 a.m., the public defense of the habilitation thesis of Mr. Cosma Ovidiu,  PhD with the title Contributions to the Fields of Combinatorial Optimization and Machine Learning will take place. The defense of the habilitation thesis will take place in the Tiberiu Popoviciu amphitheater (5/I), BBU central building, M. Kogălniceanu str.,

Free licensed Microsoft software for students

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and Babeș-Bolyai University provide students with support to use licensed software. Thus, thanks to the partnership with Microsoft, free access to various software resources is offered based on student accounts. Using the accounts offered by UBB in the form you benefit from: Office 365 – Web & Desktop

Prof. Sorin-Mihai GRAD, PhD, (Department of Applied Mathematics, ENSTA Paris, Polytechnic Institute of Paris): Relaxed-inertial proximal point type algorithms for problems involving strongly quasiconvex functions

In the framework of the research seminar Analysis and Optimization, Prof. Dr. Sorin-Mihai GRAD (Department of Applied Mathematics, ENSTA Paris, Polytechnic Institute of Paris), will give a talk on Thursday, 06.04.2023, starting at 12:30 pm, entitled: Relaxed-inertial proximal point type algorithms for problems involving strongly quasiconvex functions Abstract: Introduced in the 1970’s by Martinet for

The final results of the BBU Math-CS Contest 2023

Candidates with Facility A: Mathematics Test, Computer Science Test Candidates with Facility B: Mathematics Test, Computer Science Test Important note: Facilities A and B can be used in the admission session to the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, UBB from July 2023 according to paragraphs 2.2 and 2.4 respectively of the admission regulations. Those