Category Archives: News & Announcements

Scientific Communication Session of Students, Computer Science, 2023

Scientific Communication Session of Students, Computer Science, 2023
The 2023 edition of this event is organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science on June 30, 2023. Students are invited to send original works that will be evaluated and selected for their public presentation and subsequent publication. To register for this scientific event, please send: a paper in IEEE format (Word or latex), 6-8 pages,

Large-scale European project in the field of artificial intelligence, implemented by BBU

Large-scale European project in the field of artificial intelligence, implemented by BBU
The Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (UBB) will implement, as a member of a consortium made up of 17 research institutes, industrial partners and top European universities, a large-scale European project in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The Artificial Intelligence for Connected Industries (AI4CI) project aims to create innovative interdisciplinary programs in shaping the AI ​​expertise currently

BBU, part of a winning consortium of a 10 million Euro project in the fields of cyber security and robotics

BBU, part of a winning consortium of a 10 million Euro project in the fields of cyber security and robotics
The Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (BBU), together with other top European universities brought together under the coordination of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT DIGITAL), won a project worth 10 million Euros, financed by the European Commission, in the fields of Cyber ​​Security and Robotics. The SPecialized Education programs in Cyber securiTy and

PhD thesis defense, LEOTESCU (NUȚU) Maria: Algorithm-based Machine Learning Solutions for Text Processing and Voice Synthesis

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science invites you to participate in the public defense of the doctoral thesis with the title Algorithm-based Machine Learning Solutions for Text Processing and Voice Synthesis, author LEOTESCU (NUȚU) Maria, developed under the guidance of Prof. Univ. Dr. Horia F. POP (Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca). The public defense will

Ideation workshop Digital Tools for Mental Health # CS InnoHUB

Ideation workshop Digital Tools for Mental Health # CS InnoHUB
Hey, you, passionate about tech and innovation! Have you heard about the ideation workshop organized by CS InnoHub in collaboration with the Faculty of Psychology on May 19 , starting at 5:00 p.m.? Well, it’s the perfect event for you! We will have a discussion panel with specialists in the field of tech and psychology,

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science welcomes Ukrainian refugee children from Cluj-Napoca to visit the Astronomical Observatory

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science welcomes Ukrainian refugee children from Cluj-Napoca to visit the Astronomical Observatory
The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science organizes on May 17 a thematic visit to the Astronomical Observatory for Ukrainian refugee children from Cluj-Napoca. This visit is possible with the support of the Alma Mater Napocensis Foundation and the O Masă Caldă Association. We are therefore waiting with open arms for approximately 40 Ukrainian children to participate in this event,

PhD thesis defense, MARINESCU Alexandru Ion: Techniques and advanced applications of image processing and computer vision

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science invites you to participate in the public defense of the doctoral thesis with the title Advanced Techniques and Applications of Image Processing and Computer Vision, author MARINESCU Alexandru Ion, developed under the guidance Prof. Dr. ANDREICA Anca (Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca). The public defense will take place on Friday, May

Students’ Scientific Communications Session – Mathematics, 2023 edition

The Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science invites you to participate on Saturday, May 20, 2023, from 11 a.m. in room e (Mathematica building) to the Scientific Communication Session of Students in the field of Mathematics (bachelor’s/master’s/doctorate level). Students who wish to present communications are asked to contact the coordinating

Math-Computer Science Students’ Week

Math-Computer Science Students’ Week
Between May 8-14, the Hermes Society, in collaboration with the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of BBU Cluj-Napoca, invites you to participate in the tenth edition of the Week of Mathematics and Computer Science Students (SSMI) 2023. The event will take place in Cluj-Napoca, in different locations in the city that will be announced

The assessment of the teaching activity by the students

The assessment of the teaching activity by the students
Dear students, Your involvement in assessing the quality of the educational process at Babeş-Bolyai University is very important. Qualitas Centre invites you to participate actively. You can do this quickly and efficiently by completing online, semi-annually, the evaluation survey of courses, seminars, and lab courses. Surveys are available in English, Romanian, Hungarian and German. The