Category Archives: News & Announcements

The subjects and grading scales of the admission test on bachelor’s level, July 2023

The allocation of candidates according to examination rooms for the admission exam on bachelor’s level, July 2023

Repartizarea candidatilor pe sali pentru proba scrisa admitere licenta iulie 2023.pdf Lista candidatilor care nu dau proba scrisa admitere licenta iulie 2023.pdf Candidates will be present at the locations and rooms on July 19, 2023,  no later than 7:15 a.m. Entrance to the exam rooms starts at 7:30. The exam starts at 9 o’clock. For more information on the

Resolution of appeals for the registration stage for the admission competition of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

Nr. Legitimație Soluție contestație 4788 ADMISĂ 4820 ADMISĂ 4787 ADMISĂ 3550 RESPINSA 3243 RESPINSA 4607 RESPINSA 4787 ADMISĂ 4779 ADMISĂ 4462 ADMISĂ 3766 ADMISĂ 3051 RESPINSA 4513 ADMISĂ 4407 ADMISĂ 3347 RESPINSA 3139 RESPINSA 4799 ADMISĂ 4326 ADMISĂ 4298 ADMISĂ 3449 ADMISĂ 3114 ADMISĂ 4376 ADMISĂ 3185 RESPINSA 4000 ADMISĂ 3361 ADMISĂ 4883 ADMISĂ 4843

List of registered candidates on bachelor’s level, July 2023 admission session

Please check in the displayed list the discipline and the language in which you will take the test, as well as all the information processed in the registration platform (your list of options is visible in the section „Optiuni in Comisie“). For any discrepancy, please fill out the form at the following address: Lista

Regulation on accommodation in BBU’s student dormitories for the academic year 2023/2024 and accommodation costs for the same academic year

Regulamentul cadru privind cazarea în căminele studențești ale UBB pentru anul univ. 2023/2024, modificat conform Hotărârii Senatului UBB nr. 13/20.02.2023 Tarifele de cazare în căminele studențești ale UBB, valabile începând cu anul universitar 2023-2024

Top results for the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and Horia Niță (3rd year, Computer Science, English) at UNbreakable Romania 2023

Top results for the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and Horia Niță (3rd year, Computer Science, English) at UNbreakable Romania 2023
The cybersecurity competition Unbreakable Romania 2023 has officially ended. In this year’s edition, 900 enrolled students had the opportunity to discover and develop their passion for cybersecurity. The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Babeș-Bolyai University, together with Horia Niță, our student in the 3rd year of Computer Science, English study line, and an

The subject and foreign language test in the master’s admission competition, July 2023

The oral assessment test for the specialization “Data Science in Industry and Society” will be held on July 21, 2023, at 9:00 a.m., in room 5/I (UBB Central Building, Kogălniceanu St., No. 1). The written assessment test for all other specializations will be held on July 21, 2023, at 9:00 a.m., in Room 6/II (UBB

Final list of students benefiting from camp places in the year 2023

 Lista finală a studenților beneficiari ai un loc în taberele studențești 2023

Lect. Dr. Adriana Coroiu @ Women in Tech: GENERATIVE AI – Unveiling the Evolution, Potential and Threats

Lect. Dr. Adriana Coroiu @ Women in Tech: GENERATIVE AI – Unveiling the Evolution, Potential and Threats
Our colleague, Lect. Dr. Adriana Coroiu, participated in the event GENERATIVE AI – Unveiling the Evolution, Potential and Threats, organized by Women in Tech Cluj and the Steelcase company, on Wednesday, July 5th, 2023. The panel was also attended by Anca Buiga – Head of AI at, Mihai-Bogdan Bîndilă – Data Scientist and Cristian

To the graduates of the bachelor’s/master’s level who took the bachelor’s/master’s exam in July 2023

Certificates conferring the same legal rights as the bachelor’s/master’s diploma can be downloaded from the application as of July 10, 2023, 12:00 noon: Access is based on the credentials used to register for the bachelor’s/master’s degree exam. Graduates who wish to retrieve their original diploma are requested to contact the departmental secretariat by e-mail.