Category Archives: Announcements about Completion of Studies
To the graduates of the bachelor’s/master’s level who took the bachelor’s/master’s exam in July 2023
Certificates conferring the same legal rights as the bachelor’s/master’s diploma can be downloaded from the application as of July 10, 2023, 12:00 noon: Access is based on the credentials used to register for the bachelor’s/master’s degree exam. Graduates who wish to retrieve their original diploma are requested to contact the departmental secretariat by e-mail.
Planning for the defense of the bachelor’s thesis, July 2023 session
Each student is asked to have their identity card as proof and to bring 2 3/4 size photos, in an envelope with their name, father’s first initial, major and “Examen de licență – sesiunea iulie 2023” (“Bachelor’s exam – July 2023 session”) written on it. The student’s name will also be written on the back of
Display of grades and method of calculating the final grade for Test 1 – Evaluation of fundamental and specialized knowledge within the bachelor’s exam, July 2023 session
The results obtained in test 1 will be published on the website of the faculty at the address and through the AcademicInfo platform, and the method of calculating the final grade in sample 1 it was the following: Each subject was evaluated by two members of the evaluation committee. They awarded a full grade each, so that
Distribution of candidates by room for TEST 1: ASSESSMENT OF FUNDAMENTAL AND SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE – Written test of the bachelor’s exam, July 2023 session
Candidates will be present at the assigned room at 7:00 a.m. with their identity card, and in the case of married students who have changed their name also the student card. The grades of the written test from the bachelor’s exam, July 2023 session, are displayed on the faculty’s website and in the graduate’s personal account on Academic
Consultations offered to students for the Assessment of fundamental and specialized knowledge for the July/September 2023 bachelor’s exam
Specializations Mathematics and Computer Mathematics Discipline Date Hour The teaching staff Hall Geometry 16.06.2023 9-10 Lect. Dr. George Turcas 6/II Algebra 19.06.2023 10-11 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cosmin Pelea 6/II Analysis 19.06.2023 8-9 Lect. Dr. Anca Grad 6/II Computer Science 21.06.2023 11-12 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adriana Guran 2/I Computer science specialization On Tuesday, June 20, 2023, in room C335 (FSEGA Campus),
Scientific Communication Session of Students, Computer Science, 2023
The 2023 edition of this event is organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science on June 30, 2023. Students are invited to send original works that will be evaluated and selected for their public presentation and subsequent publication. To register for this scientific event, please send: a paper in IEEE format (Word or latex), 6-8 pages,
Students’ Scientific Communications Session – Mathematics, 2023 edition
The Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science invites you to participate on Saturday, May 20, 2023, from 11 a.m. in room e (Mathematica building) to the Scientific Communication Session of Students in the field of Mathematics (bachelor’s/master’s/doctorate level). Students who wish to present communications are asked to contact the coordinating
Calendar, required documents, and registration procedure for the master’s examinations in July 2023
This procedure is intended for students wishing to take the master’s exam in the July 2023 session. The similarity of the master’s thesis will be tested using Turnitin: The group responsible will be contacted to receive access to the Turnitin software; The similarity test of the master’s thesis will be conducted using Turnitin without applying any
Calendar, required documents, and registration procedure for the bachelor’s exam in July 2023
This procedure is intended for students wishing to take the bachelor’s exam in the July 2023 session. The similarity of the bachelor thesis will be tested using Turnitin: The group responsible will be contacted to receive access to the Turnitin software. The similarity test of the bachelor thesis will be conducted using Turnitin without applying any