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RESEARCH SEMINARS: Wednesday, 10.00-12.00
January, 2023 - August 2023
Monthly research meetings (MLyRE, ANM, MET) organized within the research project "WeaMyL: Enhancing the performance and reliability of national weather warning systems by use of deep learning techniques applied on radar, satellite and ground meteorological observations"
Monthly research meetings organized within the research project "QuaDeeP: Îmbunătățirea calității sistemelor software folosind modele de învățare profundă pentru predicția și detecția defectelor"
June 9- 3rd Workshop on Applied Deep Learning (WeADL 2023)
July 12-13 Research meetings with representatives of the ANM team (dr. Sorin Burcea, Eugen Mihulet) within the WeaMyL research project (Code: RO-NO-2019-0133) - Bucharest
Presentations: Czibula Gabriela, Czibula Istvan, Andrei Mihai, Mircea Gabriel
September 20 - First joint research seminar on Machine Learning applied in Meteorology (MLyRE, ANM)
September 29
Drd. Albu Alexandra-Ioana, public defense of the PhD thesis "Unsupervised representation learning and feature fusion in supervised tasks. Applications in natural sciences", scientific supervisor prof. dr. Czibula Gabriela
Drd. Maier Mariana-Ioana, public defense of the PhD thesis "Mining students' behavioural features in multiple learning environments", scientific supervisor prof. dr. Czibula Gabriela
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