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RESEARCH SEMINARS: Wednesday, 10.00-12.00
January, 2022 - December 2022
Monthly research meetings (MLyRE, ANM, MET) organized within the research project "WeaMyL: Enhancing the performance and reliability of national weather warning systems by use of deep learning techniques applied on radar, satellite and ground meteorological observations"
Monthly research meetings organized within the research project "QuaDeeP: Îmbunătățirea calității sistemelor software folosind modele de învățare profundă pentru predicția și detecția defectelor"
February 18
Drd. Nistor Sergiu, public defense of the PhD thesis "Optimizing Neural Network Architectures using Computational Intelligence Methods", scientific supervisor prof. dr. Czibula Gabriela
June 3- 2nd Workshop on Applied Deep Learning (WeADL 2022)
September 30
Drd. Tomescu Vlad, public defense of the PhD thesis "An extensive performance analysis of data engineering and model design in deep learning", scientific supervisor prof. dr. Czibula Gabriela
Drd. Briciu Anamaria, public defense of the PhD thesis "Resource development and machine learning approaches for natural language processing tasks", scientific supervisor prof. dr. Czibula Gabriela
November 16-18
Research meetings with representatives of the ANM team (dr. Sorin Burcea, Eugen Mihulet) within the WeaMyL research project (Code: RO-NO-2019-0133)
Organizers: MLyRE (Czibula Gabriela, Czibula Istvan, Molnar Arthur, Bocicor Iuliana)
MLyRE Presentations: Czibula Gabriela, Czibula Istvan, Albu Alexandra, Andrei Mihai
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