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RESEARCH SEMINARS: Wednesday, 10.00-12.00
January, 2021 - December 2021
Monthly research meetings (MLyRE, ANM, MET) organized within the research project "WeaMyL: Enhancing the performance and reliability of national weather warning systems by use of deep learning techniques applied on radar, satellite and ground meteorological observations"
Monthly research meetings organized within the research project "QuaDeeP: Îmbunătățirea calității sistemelor software folosind modele de învățare profundă pentru predicția și detecția defectelor"
May 28 - 1st Workshop on Applied Deep Learning (WeADL 2021)
September 24
Drd. Mihai Andrei, public defense of the PhD thesis "Machine learning models for weather nowcasting ", scientific supervisor prof. dr. Czibula Gabriela
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