Mini-curs „Modeling Applications as Optimization Problems” susținut de Dr. habil. Sorin-Mihai Grad (Universitatea din Viena; Advanced Fellowship STAR-UBB) în data de 5 octombrie 2020 (luni), orele 16:00-19:50

Evenimentul se va desfășura online, pe platforma MS TEAMS, în cadrul orelor de Modele de optimizare, Master (informatica, limba engleza). Pentru înscrieri, vă rugam trimiteți un e-mail la adresa pana în data de 5 octombrie, ora 12:00.

Abstract: We discuss how various questions arising from different real-life and research fields can be modeled as optimization problems and solved by employing optimization algorithms. The concrete applications we present come from fields like game theory, finance, machine learning, location theory and image processing.

Keywords: optimization algorithms, optimization models, proximal point methods, convex optimization, clustering, mathematical finance, game theory, machine learning, support vector machines, location problems, image processing

Prerequisites: basic knowledge of linear algebra and calculus