Köszönőlevél a linzi Catalysts GmbH részéről

Az egyetemi tanév kezdetén az osztrák Catalysts cég köszönetét fejezte ki a Matematika és Informatika Karnak a “Catalysts’ Coding Contest Cluj” verseny harmadik fordulójának megszervezésében nyújtott segítségéért.

“Dear Sir/Madam,

On the 19th of October our company, Catalysts, organized with the help of the Babeş-Bolyai University the 3rd edition of the Catalysts’ Coding Contest Cluj.

We would like to express our appreciation towards your institution and its members for their help and involvement. First and foremost, we would like to thank the entire university for allowing and enabling the organization of our contest in its lecture halls, and its staff for being always available and willing to help.

Secondly, we would like to thank Assoc. Prof. Dr. Simona Motogna for supporting us in everything needed for the contest, from reserving the rooms necessary for the contest to the organization of the prize ceremony.

Furthermore, we would like to thank Lect. Dr. Sterca Adrian for helping us in all technical details surrounding the contest, from IP and DHCP configurations to setting up access points in all contest rooms.

Last but not least, we would like to thank the technicians of the university for aiding us with all the materials we needed during the contest.

Without your help and implication this contest wouldn’t have been possible.”

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