Kategória archívum: Hirdetések hallgatóknak
Siemens Internship 2019
Be a #FutureLearner! Propose, design and implement a functional project with mentorship provided by top Siemens engineers! Join Siemens Talents Hub: contact.ctcluj.ro@siemens.com
Apply until: 30.04.2019
Find out more about Siemens CT and Siemens Talents Hub
Freshbyte Internship 2019
Join our summer internship program;
Technologies: PHP, Ul/UX, Android, iOS;
Duration: 1 month;
Period: July/August;
Apply by sending your CV and Motivation letter at jobs@freshbyteinc.com until 01.06.2019.
Garmin Internship 2019
Awesome interns wanted:
• Java Software Engineers
• Mobile Software Engineers
• Java Script Software Engineers
• Quality Software Engineers
• Business Analyst
• Technical Support Specialist
• C Software Engineers
Apply by March 21st: Internship.Cluj@garmin.com
Be our intern: July 1st - September 30th
COERA Summer Internship – Java or .NET Software Engineer
COERA is a street-wise software agency, specialised in engineering, developing and integrating Online Platforms, Cloud Applications and IAM Solutions, always committed to fast visible results for our customers.
Our consultancy and engineering teams operate at the border of business and IT, bridging the complexity of today’s business context with the power of innovative technology.
Sage Intacct Paid Summer Internship 2019
Do what you love, love what you do Because we know that happy employees = happy customers Sage Intacct is the innovation and customer satisfaction leader in cloud financial management solutions. Our consistently high employee satisfaction rating is the result of a company culture that truly values our team members’ contributions. Sage Intacct is growing,
Take Off Labs Internship 2019
We are looking for talented and enthusiastic students, eager to help grow our successful products. We offer: Flexibility: work from home or from our office Team: work with experienced engineers Product: currently serving more than 18 million rounds of golf Equipment: a MacBook Pro Opportunity: mentor interns, participate in sponsored events and conferences We are
Elsőéves hallgatók figyelmébe: jelentkezés a Világbank által támogatott Student Learning Hub (StudHub BBTE) projektben való részvételre
A projekt célja az elsőéves hallgatók támogatása abban, hogy minél könnyebben vegyék az egyetemista élettel együtt járó akadályokat, sikeresek legyenek tanulmányaikban, és beilleszkedjenek Kolozsvár akadémiai közösségébe. Ezért olyan workshop-okat, programokat szervezünk a programban résztvevőknek, amelyek az ún. soft skill-ek (személyes készségek) fejlesztését célozzák: előadástechnika, jegyzetelési stratégiák, tudományos szövegírás, karriertervezés és -tanácsadás, egyéni szakmai célok megfogalmazása,
A testnevelés órák órarendje a 2018–2019-es egyetemi tanév II. félévében – elsőévesek figyelmébe
Az alábbi órarend az I. éves matematika, informatikai-matematika, informatika szakos hallgatók számára érvényes, valamennyi tagozat (román, magyar, angol, német) esetén. A testnevelés órákat Cosmin Moca egyetemi tanársegéd tartja. Elérhetőség: 0722-542859.
UMT Software Paid Summer Internship 2019
Recently, UMT Software proudly celebrated 10 years since it’s been the engineering force behind UMT360, the Seattle based company which helps some of the world’s leading brands to execute their strategies and accelerate their business. UMT360’s tight-knit, energetic and dedicated team develops a one-of-a-kind Product and Portfolio Management solution, applauded as visionary by the world’s
Internship 2019 @ Micro Focus Cluj
Have you heard? Internship 2019 @ Micro Focus starting with 15th of July
Are you a student?
Are you willing to join us for 10 weeks on our paid internship to improve your development or testing skills?
Give us a sign on internshipcluj@microfocus.com by March 15th.