Kategória archívum: Hirdetések hallgatóknak

UMT Software Paid Summer Internship 2020

UMT Software Paid Summer Internship 2020
Since 2008, UMT Software has been the engineering force behind UMT360, the Seattle based company which helps some of the world’s leading brands to execute their strategies and accelerate their business. UMT360’s tight-knit, energetic and dedicated team develops a one-of-a-kind Product and Portfolio Management solution, applauded as visionary by the world’s most influential advisory company,

AXON Soft IT Summer Ride

AXON Soft IT Summer Ride
AXON Soft ensures the quality and success of the digital transformation. Our vision is to provide innovative solutions that empower our clients to reach their highest potential. With over 20 years of experience, we pride ourselves on having a highly-skilled and driven team. We are honored to have developed 2 software applications that have entered

Tora Trading Internship 2020

Tora Trading Internship 2020
We’re throwing the #coolestinternship ever. Don’t miss the chance to get to know AfroJAVA. The steps are simple: Register on: http://internship.tora.com/; Take the online test on March 22nd; Be smart and get the best score; Get ready to Code like never before. Summer 2020 (July – September); 6h/day, 5 days/week; 1500 ron/month; Hero by day, hero by night!

Montran Summer Internship 2020

Montran Summer Internship 2020
Montran este lider mondial pe piața sistemelor de plată și a soluțiilor pentru piețe financiare din 1979. În anul 2000, Montran a deschis biroul din Cluj-Napoca extinzând linia de produse pentru a include sistemele de infrastructură pentru băncile centrale și instituțiile de clearing. Montran dezvoltă și implementează soluții pentru bănci centrale și bănci comerciale la

MHP Innovation Camp

MHP Innovation Camp
We have prepared exciting projects in which you will work with State of the Art Technologies. Depending on your personal interest or spark with a particular technology, you can be assigned to a JAVA focused project, an ABAP focused project or a Business Intelligence focused Project.

National Instruments Summer Internship 2020

National Instruments Summer Internship 2020
National Instruments te invita sa aplici la programul de Summer Internship, organizat in cadrul biroului de Cercetare & Dezvoltare Software din Cluj-Napoca, cladirea The Office. Trimite CV-ul tau pana la data de 27 martie la adresa Romania.Intern@ni.com, urmand ca selectia si comunicarea rezultatului sa aiba loc in cursul lunii aprilie. Selectia se face in baza

Summer Internship – Garmin

Summer Internship – Garmin
Be our Intern, for an experience that lasts a lifetime Start your career in a place where every day is an opportunity to innovate. Garmin is a great place to experience this and more. It's also the place where you can take your knowledge to the next level.

Bit- és számtologatók – 2020. március 11.

Bit- és számtologatók – 2020. március 11.
Frissítés: online előadás Ezen a héten is lesz Bit- és számtologatók, a már megszokott helyszínen és időpontban, azaz 5/I, szerda 18:30, kivételesen a Mat-Infó KMDSZ szakosztály szervezésében, melynek keretében Sulyok Csaba fog beszélni a szakdolgozatírás mikéntjéről. Szeretettel várunk minden érdeklődőt!

Negotio Summer Internship 2020

Negotio Summer Internship 2020
Cine suntem noi? Negotio este o aplicatie dezvoltata in PHP, orientata spre domeniul HORECA. Ea trece acum printr-o perioada de refactorizare puternica, fiind adaptata la noile standarde, adaugandu-i-se in acelasi timp facilitati noi, moderne. Ne bucura sa ii avem ca si parteneri pe Viva Wallet Romania, care se bucura la randul lor de un succes

Rezerva-ti locul pentru internship la NetMatch!

Rezerva-ti locul pentru internship la NetMatch!
Rezerva-ti locul pentru internship la NetMatch! In aceasta vara te invitam sa faci parte din echipa noastra, participand la unul dintre programele de internship organizate: Software Development (.NET) sau Software Testing, in perioada 15 Iulie – 15 Septembrie. Oferim 2 luni de internship platit cu oportunitatea de a lucra pe unul dintre proiectele clientilor nostri.