Kategória archívum: Cégek ajánlatai

Internship AXON 2023

Internship AXON 2023

2023 Montran Internship

2023 Montran Internship
Join the Students@Montran Internship Program today! We are a rapidly growing FinTech seeking highly motivated students looking to launch their career and make an impact! This is a fantastic opportunity to work with some of the best mentors in the field. Deadline for CV Submissions: Before March 27

Porsche Engineering Career Track Event

Porsche Engineering Career Track Event
2023. március 6-án 16:00 órakor a Porsche Engineering rendezvényt szervez a hallgatók számára, amelynek keretében bemutatjuk a diákok lehetőségeket és programokat. A hallgatók a jobsromania@porsche-engineering.ro e-mail címen jelentkezhetnek, önéletrajzuk csatolásával. A regisztráció határideje 2023.03.02.

Reply Code Challange 2023

Reply Code Challange 2023
The Reply Code Challenge is coming! Sign up for a fun competition and a chance to win fantastic prizes! The Reply Code Challenge is a yearly event where teams from around the world compete to test themselves to solve different coding challenges. The contest will take place online, on the 9th of March, for 2

Cloudflight Coding Contest

Cloudflight Coding Contest
Solve a level-based coding game in competition with thousands of participants across the globe! The CCC (short for Cloudflight Coding Contest) is one of the biggest coding competitions of its kind. Over 4,000 coders from all around the world simultaneously compete against each other in a level-based coding game. With each level the difficulty increases

Nagarro – Remote Learning 2022-2023

Nagarro – Remote Learning 2022-2023
Nagarro vă invită să vă înscrieți și toamna aceasta la modulele de Remote Learning. Ce este Remote Learning? Programele Remote Learning sunt adresate studenților, absolvenților și tuturor pasionaților de IT dornici să își însușească noi competențe. Cele 4 programe se vor derula în paralel, iar setup-ul lor este 100% remote: C# Remote Learning Java Remote Learning WebDev

Q_Hackaton: Building a faster world with QRs

Q_Hackaton: Building a faster world with QRs
The Q_Hackathon is an event designed for students and young programming enthusiasts. Ongoing day & night, as a participant you will work within teams to build an MVP (minimum viable product) application using web and cloud technologies on the given topic: a faster world with QRs. Sign up either with your peers or join a

NTT DATA Romania SAP IS-U Academy

NTT DATA Romania SAP IS-U Academy
Are you ready to pave the way for a green energy future? Take on real-life challenges where you get to drive the digitalisation of the energy sector. You will be mentored by leading experts to unleash your creativity and rise to the challenges of key stakeholders - from large corporations to municipal utilities and end consumers.

Google Summer Insights 2022

Hi there, We’re  excited to announce that registration for our Google Summer Insights 2022 series is now open! This virtual series is committed to promoting diversity in the tech industry, and will take place between Tuesday 26th – Thursday 28th July 2022. What to expect? You’ll hear from a variety of Googlers from technical and

Q_PERIOR Internship 2022

Q_PERIOR Internship 2022
The BI Academy is a paid internship designed for students in terminal years (BA/MA), attending Computer Sciences or technological related specializations. Over the duration of 6 weeks, you will be inducted in the world of the SAP Business Intelligence Suit, gaining your knowledge through trainings provided by experienced SAP consultants. Additionally, you will have the