Kategória archívum: Cégek ajánlatai

Internship Recognos | 6 weeks | paid

Internship Recognos | 6 weeks | paid
Hello, Ready to accelerate your learning? Apply for the 6 week 2017 Recognos internship program and enhance your skills exponentially by working with the Recognos team on real projects. Recognos is a “smart data” company specialized in developing applications for the investment industry and solutions for extracting and processing unstructured data. For 16 years we

Telenav 2017 Summer Internship

Telenav 2017 Summer Internship
Android Internship: OOP, JAVA, Android entry-level is a plus iOS Internship: OOP, Objective C, Design patterns Map Analyst Internship: Josm, Qgis, PostGIS, Osmosis, Osmfilter, experience with OpenStreetMap QA Internship: Test scenarios, Black box/white box testing, Testing principles General Information: 6 week program (8 August - 15 September), full time, paid internship, hiring opportunities

Accenture 2017 Internship

Accenture 2017 Internship
Internship Description: Bring your talent and passion to Accenture! Sharpen your skills, build an extraordinary career and play key role in creating solutions that transform organizations and communities around the world. You can choose one of our two six-week internship sessions: 26th June – 4th August 7th August – 15th September Locations: Cluj-Napoca and Targu-Mures

Catalysts 2017 Internship

Catalysts 2017 Internship
Following its launch a decade ago, Catalysts has proven itself as one of the most innovative and successful IT companies in German-speaking Europe. In 2013 we also expanded into the Romanian market and founded an office in Cluj-Napoca. The secret of our success story lies in the balance between work, knowledge sharing and communication on

Bosch Driver Assistance&Automated Driving – Stereo Vision csapat

Bosch Driver Assistance&Automated Driving – Stereo Vision csapat
Internship lehetőség a kolozsvári Bosch Driver Assistance&Automated Driving / Stereo Vision csapatában. A Bosch a világ egyik legnagyobb autóalkatrész beszállítója, a csapat pedig autókba szerelt sztereó kamerához fejleszt számítógépes látásalgoritmusokat, amelyek különböző rendszerek részeként számos funkció megvalósításában vehetnek részt (pl. automata távolságtartás, sávtartás, vészfékezés, útjelzések és táblák felismerése). A csapat 2017 nyarán körülbelül 15 diákot

Nyári gyakorlat 2017 – UMT Software

Nyári gyakorlat 2017 – UMT Software
Studenţii Universităţii Babeş-Bolyai îşi pot efectua practica de vară la UMT software. Celor interesaţi de acest program le oferim: - Expunerea la ultimele tehnologii Microsoft pe platforma Office şi Share Point 2016. - Şansa de a lucra într-o echipă ce dezvoltă produse folosite de clienţi cu renume la nivel mondial. - O experienţă de lucru de top, pe hardware de ultimă generaţie, într-un mediu profesionist.

Take Off Labs 2017 Summer Internship

Take Off Labs 2017 Summer Internship
Str. Pintea Viteazu Nr.6 Cluj­-Napoca, Cluj 400404 Romania contact@takeofflabs.com Take Off Labs is looking for talented students to join our summer internship programme. Our products are used by thousands of people every day across the world in diverse industries from golf to music, ticketing and registration. Our technologies of choice are Ruby on Rails for

360T | Deutsche Börse Group and Catalysts: Europe’s biggest onsite coding contest in Frankfurt

360T | Deutsche Börse Group and Catalysts: Europe’s biggest onsite coding contest in Frankfurt
Join Europe’s biggest coding contest in Frankfurt on March 31st, 2017, presented by 360T | Deutsche Börse Group and Catalysts Win great prizes with a total value of € 21,000 total prizes, 5,000 for the first place. Measure up your algorithmic skills against hundreds of coders from around the world in a challenging contest! Mingle

Join University CodeSprint Competition: Which school has the best programmers?

Join University CodeSprint Competition: Which school has the best programmers?
Does your school have the best programmers? Join University CodeSprint, the ultimate university coding competition, and represent your school to prove how well students and graduates from your school can code! We want to learn which schools around the world train the best programmers. A lot of global university ranking reports use school reputation, the

Codecamp: Your IT Conference in Cluj-Napoca

Codecamp: Your IT Conference in Cluj-Napoca
CodeCamp is your IT Conference here in Romania. It started in 2008, with a strong desire for better communication among IT professionals. While being a volunteering, non-profit movement supported by the community IT community members, CodeCamp was encouraged and sustained since its early beginnings by companies willing to support the environment and give back. What we mainly do is gather people together for learning & sharing professional experiences.