MID1006 | Servicii Web şi tehnologii middleware |
Titularii de disciplina |
Prof. Dr. BOIAN Florian Mircea, florin![]() |
Obiective |
Knowledge the theoretical concepts: middleware technologies, web services. In the web service field, three methodologies will be presented: XMLRPC, SOAP, and REST. In the same time, the students will use the main actual middleware platforms and languages: RMI, CORBA, PHP, Python, .NET, Java. The course will be open new research directions in the topic. |
Continutul |
Lecture 1 : AJAX Fundamentals [9].
Lecture 2: Web servers: Apache, IIS and specific containers installation and configuration [5] [4 cap. 7]. Lecture 3: RPC concept [3 cap 4]. Distributed Java objects [4 cap 5]. CORBA [4 cap 6]. Lecture 4: XMLRPC based web service [4 cap 6]. Lecture 5: SOAP based web service main concepts: messaging middleware, distributed transactions, [7 cap 1] UDDI, WSDL [6 cap. 4-6]. Lecture 6: Web service and web server transports: CGI GET, CGI POST [5 cap 4]. XML, SOAP and RPC [6 cap 4, 7] Lecture 7: REST based web service. Interoperability. [11], [2], [6 cap 9] Lecture 8: web service design with .NET [2 cap 3,10-12]. .NET clients [2 cap 4]. Lecture 9: ], Java Web services design [6 cap 2, 8, 12]. Java web service clients [6 cap 4, 16 ] Lecture 10: PHP web service design; PHP clients [1]. Lecture 11: Web services and clients using Python [10]. Lecture 12: Enterprise Java Beans - concepts beans, transactions, security [8 cap 1-2] Lecture 13: EJB 3.0: characteristics [8 cap 3]. EJB session beans [8 cap 4]. EJB message driven beans [8 cap 7]. Lecture 14: EJB 3.0 entity beans [8 cap 6]. Entity beans persistence [8 cap 9-11]. Web services with EJB 3.0 [8 cap 5, 13, 15, 16] |
Bibliografie |
1. ALBOAIE L. BURAGA S. Servicii Web. Concepte de bază şi implementări. Polirom 2006.
2. BALLINGER K. .NET Web Services: Architecture and Implementation. Addison W. 2003 3. BOIAN F.M. Programare distribuită în Internet; metode şi aplicaţii. Ed. Albastră, grupul Microinformatica, Cluj, 1997 4. BOIAN F.M., BOIAN R.F. Tehnologii fundamentale Java pentru aplicaţii Web. Ed. Albastră, grupul Microinformatica, Cluj, 2005 5. LAURIE B. LAURIE P. Apache - The Definitive Guide. O@ Reilly, 1999. 6. MCGOVERN J. et.al. Java Web Services Architecture. Kaufmann Pub. 2003 7. MYERSON M. The Complete Book of Middleware. Auerbach Pub. 2002. 8. SRIGANESH R. BROSE G. SILVERMAN M. Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0. Wiley, 2006 9. Shin Sang AJAX Basics; www.sun.com 10. * * * www.python.org Python Documentation 11. Richardson L. Ruby S. RESTful Web Services O’Reilly, 2007 |
Evaluare |
The activity ends with a written final exam. During the semester, the students will have to prepare a theoretical report and a software project in the topic. Optionally, the students can design an illustrative example for a course concept.
Final grade consists from: Final writtenexam: 30% The quality of the project 30% Technical report : 25% A representativ example presentation: 15% Details for the course conditions and the student requests can be consult from: http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~florin/WSMT |
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