Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Study Cycle: Master


MII1007 Unconventional Computing in Solving Real-World Problems
Hours: C+S+L
Intelligent Systems - in English
Teaching Staff in Charge
Assoc.Prof. OLTEAN Mihai, Ph.D.,
The course deals with the following notions and ideas:

Unconvetional Computing, DNA Computing, Quantum Computing, Cellular Automata, Membrane Computing, Light-based computing, Unconventional sorting, NP-Complete problems.

Each student has to prove that (s)he acquired an acceptable level of knowledge and understanding of the subject, that (s)he is capable of stating these knowledge in a coherent form, that (s)he has the ability to establish certain connections and to use the knowledge in solving different problems.

Schedule of lectures
1. Administrivia; Introduction; Resources
2. Unconventional Computing (UC): basic ideas
3. Current achievements of UC
4. DNA computing
5. Quantum computing
6. Membrane computing
7. Light based computing
8. Unconventional Sorting
9. First written examination
10. Real world applications
11. Limitations of UC
12. Molecular computing
13. Open problems for UC
14. Second written examination

1-2. Turing Machines
3-4. Complexity and NP-completeness
5-6. Cellular automata
7. Cellular automata and applications
8. Self assembly
9-10. Signals-based computing
11-12. Development
13. Reversible circuits design
14. Open discussion on Unconventional Computing

[1]. International Journal of Unconventional Computing
[2]. Journal of Natural Computing, Springer.
[3]. Andrew Adamatzky, Christof Teuscher, From Utopian to Genuine Unconventional Computers, Luniver Press, 2006
[4]. Penrose, Roger: The Emperor@s New Mind. Oxford University Press
[5]. Gheorge Paun, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa, DNA Computing - New Computing Paradigms. Springer-Verlag, 1998
[6]. Leonard M. Adleman (1994-11-11). Molecular Computation Of Solutions To Combinatorial Problems. Science (journal) 266 (11): 1021–1024.
[7]. L. Kuhnert, K. I. Agladze, V. I. Krinsky. Image processing using light-sensitive chemical waves. Nature 337: 244 – 247, 1989
[8]. G. Paun, C. Calude, Computing with Cells and Atoms, Taylor and Francis, London, 2000
[9]. Membrane Computing. An Introduction, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002
[10]. G. Paun C.S. Calude, M.J. Dinneen, G. Rozenberg, S. Stepney Proceedings of Unconventional Computation, LNCS 4035, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006

Two written examinations during the semester. Each of them will count as 50% from the final mark. During the examination session the student has the possibility to increase its mark.
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