Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Study Cycle: Master


MII1003 Automated Theorem Proving Systems
Hours: C+S+L
Formals Methods in Programming - in English
Formals Methods in Programming - in English
Teaching Staff in Charge
Lect. LUPEA Mihaiela, Ph.D.,
- To study proof methods, specific to classical logics and temporal logics which solve the decision problem: "Is a conjecture a logical consequence of a set of axioms and hypotheses?".
- To apply the theorem proving methods for specification and verification of sequential and concurrent programs.
- To implement ATP (automated theorem prover) systems in classical logics and temporal logics based on the studied methods.
1. Automated theorem proving: purpose, applications, examples of ATP systems.
2. Theorem proving methods in propositional logic: semantic tableaux, sequent
calculus/anti-sequent calculus, refinements of resolution.
3. Theorem proving methods in predicate logic: semantic tableaux, refinements
of resolution.
4. Theorem proving and logic programming: SLD-resolution; concurrent logic
5. Temporal logics
- Propositional temporal logic: syntax, semantics, models of time.
- From temporal logic to finite and Buchi automata.
- Linear-time and branching-time temporal logics
6. Theorem proving methods in temporal logic:
- Semantic tableaux method for propositional temporal logic
- Resolution method for linear propositional temporal logic
7. Specification and verification of concurrent programs using temporal logics.
1. C.L.Chang, R.C.T.Lee: Symbolic Logic and Mechanical Theorem Proving, Academic Press,
2. D.A. Duffy: Principles of automated theorem proving, John Willey & Sons, 1991.
3. M.Fitting: First-order Logic and Automated Theorem Proving, Texts and Monographs in
Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 1990, Second Edition 1996.
4. M.Lupea, A.Mihis: Logici clasice si circuite logice. Teorie si exemple, Ed.Albastra,
editia 2, 2009.
5. L.C. Paulson: Logic and Proof, Univ. Cambridge, 2000, course on-line.
6. M. Possega: Deduction Systems, Institute of Informatics, 2002, course on-line.
7. S.Reeves, M.Clarke: Logic for computer science, Addison Wesley Publisher Ltd, 1990.
8. N.Rescher, A.Urquhart: Temporal Logic, Springer Verlag, New York, 1971.
9. R.M.Smullyan: First-order logic, Revised Edition, Dover Press, New York, 1996.
10. D.Tatar: Inteligenta artificiala: demonstrarea automata si NLP, Editura
Microinformatica, Cluj-Napoca, 2001.
The activity ends with a written final exam.
During the semester, the students have to prepare and to present at seminars 11-12-13 a theoretical report with the subject from theorem proving domain.
An individual software project: implementation of an ATP system for classical logics or temporal logics must be accomplished.
The final grade is obtained based on:
- written exam: 40%
- seminar activity: 10%
- theoretical report: 25%
- software project: 25%
Successful passing of the exam is conditioned by written exam@s grade to be at least 5.
All university official rules with respect to students@ attendance of academic activities, as well as to cheating and plagiarism, are valid and enforced.
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