MIC1002 | Formal Methods of Concurrency and Communications |
Teaching Staff in Charge |
Lect. STERCA Adrian Ioan, Ph.D., forest![]() |
Aims |
The study of classical models and recent research in the field of concurrence and communications. The focus will be on the formal-theoretical aspect of these concepts. The course is intended to offer strong mathematical fundamentals for concurrent distributed systems. |
Content |
1. Serializability, Concurrency and Parallelism. Process algebras.
2.The CCS Model - Calculus of Communication Systems. 3.The Pi-Calculus Model. 4.Concurrency control - serialization, complexity, control, conflicts, algorithms. 5.The page model. Object-oriented concurrency 6.Concurrency control in relational databases 7.Concurrency control in search structures: implementations and practical approaches 8.Failure models: transaction failure specifics and deadlock 9.Failure recovery in the page, object, multimedia model 10.Concurrency control in distributed context: homogenous federations 11.Concurrency control in distributed context: heterogenous federations 12.Concurrency control in distributed context: deadlock in distributed systems: detection, recovery, prevention |
References |
1.Weikum G. Vossen G. Transactional Information System: Theory, Algorithms, and Practice of Concurrency Control and Recovery. Kaufmann Morgan Publ. 2002.
2.Boian F.M. Ferdean C.M., Boian R.F., Dragos R.C. Programare concurentă pe platforme Unix, Windows, Java. Ed. Albastră, grupul Microinformatica, Cluj, 2002. 3.Kosky A.S. Formal models for Concurrent Communication Systems. http://www.anthonykosky.com/pdf_files/WPE_91.pdf, 1991. 4.Reichel H. Formal Models of Concurrency, http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~lschrode/teaching/Systems/ReichelCCS.pdf, 2003. |
Assessment |
The didactic activity ends with a written exam (the S grade). During the semester, students will have to develop a software project and a report on concurrency and distributed systems communications related topics (the P grade and R grade).
Final grade = 40%P + 40%R + 20%S. All the requests related to the criteria which must be met by students in order to pass the exam (laboratory presence, minimal requests regarding the quality of reports/projects developed etc.) are at: http://cs.ubbcluj.ro/~forest/mfcc |
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