MMA0013 | Supplement of Mathematical Analysis |
Teaching Staff in Charge |
Prof. DUCA Dorel, Ph.D., dduca![]() Lect. FINTA Zoltan, Ph.D., fzoltan ![]() |
Aims |
Presentation of the main complementary notions and results in Mathematical Analysis. |
References |
1. Siretchi Gh.: Functii cu proprietatea Darboux, Universitatea din Bucuresti,
Bucuresti, 1986. 2. Leader S.: The Kurzweil-Henstock integral and its differentials: a unified theory of integration on R and R^{n}, Marcel Dekker, Inc., Basel, 2001. 3. Precupanu A.: Analiza matematica (Functii reale), Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, Bucuresti, 1976, 4. Balazs M., Kolumban J.: Matematikai Analizis, Dacia Konyvkiado, Kolozsvar, 1978. 5. Szokefalvi-Nagy B.: Valos fuggvenyek es fuggvenysorok, Tankonyvkiado, Budapest, 1977. |
Assessment |
Exam. |
Links: | Syllabus for all subjects Romanian version for this subject Rtf format for this subject |