Semantica limbajelor de programare |
trul |
Cadre didactice indrumatoare |
Obiective |
- Intelegerea notiunii de semantica a unui limbaj;
- Cunoasterea diferitelor modalitati de definire a semanticii unui limbaj de programare; - Aplicarea unui instrument de specificarea pentru un anumit limbaj. |
Continut |
1. Notiunea de semantica a unui limbaj
2. Criterii de specificare. 3. Gramatici de atribute 4. Metode manuale. 5. Scheme de traducere orientata de sintaxa. 6. Semantica operationala. 7. Semantica denotationala. |
Bibliografie |
1. BAUER, F.L. - WOSSNER, H.: Algorithmic language and program development, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,1982.
2. GIANNINI, P. - LONGO, G.: Effectively given domains and lambda-calculus semantics, Information and Control, 62(1984) no. 1, pp. 36-63. 3. HOARE, C.A.R. - WIRTH, NICHOLAS: An axiomatic definition of the programming language Pascal, Acta Informatica, 1973 no.2, pp. 335-355. 4. LONGO, G.: Set-Theoretical models of Lambda-Calculus: Theories, Expansions, Isomor-phisms, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 1983 no.24, pp. 153-188. 5. HOARE, C.A.R. - LAUER, P.: Consistent and Complementary definitions of the semmantics of programming languages, Acta Informatica, 1973 no.3, pp. 135-153. 6. GRUNE, DICK - BAL, H. - JACOBS, C. - LANGENDOEN, K.: Modern Compiler Design, John Wiley, 2000 7. SERBANATI, L.D.: Limbaje de programare si compilatoare, Ed. Academiei RSR, 1987 |
Evaluare |
Nota finala se va calcula pe baza:
- prezentare referat 20% - proiect 30% - examen final 50% |