Funcţii de mai multe variabile complexe (în limba engleză) | Functions of several complex variables |
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(Real and Compex Analysis) |
Cadre didactice indrumatoare | Teaching Staff in Charge |
Prof. Dr. SĂLĂGEAN Grigore Stefan, |
Obiective | Aims |
Insusirea cunostintelor de baza privind teoria functiilor complexe de mai multe variabile complexe, precum si prezentarea unor aplicatii ale acestei teorii. |
Appropriation of the basic knowledge of the theory of complex functions of several complex variables and the presentation of some applications of this theory. |
1. Proprietati elementare ale functiilor olomorfe de mai multe variabile complexe. Ecuatiile generalizate ale lui Cauchy-Riemann. Proprietati de convergenta ale seriilor de puteri. Formula lui Cauchy pe polidisc. Functii pluriarmonice.
2. Aplicatii olomorfe de mai multe variabile complexe. Proprietati generale. 3. Automorfismele bilei si polidiscului unitate din spatiul n-dimensional complex. 4. Convexitate si pseudoconvexitate. Domenii de olomorfie. 5. Reprezentari integrale. Formula lui Bochner-Martinelli. Aplicatii ale teoriei integrale a lui Cauchy. 6. Teoria geometrica privind aplicatiile biolomorfe de mai multe variabile complexe: Proprietati generale. Aplicatii stelate, convexe, spiralate si aproape stelate pe bila unitate si polidiscul unitate din spatiul n-dimensional complex. 7. Criterii de univalenta pe bila unitate din spatiul n-dimesional complex. Aplicatii. |
1. C. Andreian Cazacu, Teoria Functiilor de mai multe Variabile Complexe , Ed. Acad. Rom., Bucharest, 1965.
2. B. Chabat, Introduction a l'Analyse Complexe, vol. II, Ed. MIR, Moscou, 1990. 3. S. Gong, Convex and Starlike Mappings in Several Complex Variables, Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1998. 4. I. Graham, G. Kohr, Topics in Geometric Function Theory of One and Higher Dimensions, Marcel Dekker Inc., 2002 (sub tipar). 5. R.C. Gunning, Introduction to Holomorphic Functions of Several Variables, vol.I, Wadsworth and Brooks/Cole Math. Series, 1990. 6. L. Kaup, B. Kaup, Holomorphic Functions of Several Variables, de Gruyter Studies in Math., Berlin, New York, 1983. 7. G. Kohr, P. Liczberski, Univalent Mappings of Several Complex Variables, Cluj Univ. Press , Cluj-Napoca, 1998. 8. S.G. Krantz, Function Theory of Several Complex Variables, Second Ed., Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole Advanced Books& Software, California, 1992. 9. M. Range, Holomorphic Functions and Integral Representations in Several Complex Variables, Springer Verlag, New York, 1986. 10. W. Rudin, Function Theory in the Unit Ball of C^n, Springer Verlag, Berlin, New York, 1980. |
Evaluare | Assessment |
Examen |
Exam |