Programare Windows | Windows programming |
trul |
(Applied Mathematics) |
(Mathematics Economics) |
(Computer Science) |
Cadre didactice indrumatoare | Teaching Staff in Charge |
Conf. Dr. POP Horia Florin, Lect. DARVAY Zsolt, |
Obiective | Aims |
1. Cunoasterea structurii si modului de functionare a unui sistem de operare grafic
2. Cunoasterea elementelor fundamentale ale Win32 API 3. Formarea capacitatii de a realiza aplicatii folosind mediul Visual C++ |
1. Knowledge of the structure and functionality of a graphic operating system
2. Knowledge of fundamental elements of Win32 API 3. Formation of the ability to develop applications using Visual C++ |
1. Sisteme de dezvoltare a aplicatiilor C++ / Win32
1.1. Compilatoare C++ / Win32 1.2. Medii integrate de dezvoltare C++ / Win32 1.3. Biblioteci de clase ce implementeaza GUI 2. Arhitectura sistemului de operare Windows si Win32 API 2.1. Introducere in Windows 2.2. Exemple de aplicatii Win32 API 2.3. Gestiunea ferestrelor 2.4. Ferestre, cutii de dialog si controale 2.5. Gestiunea mesajelor 2.6. Tratarea intrarilor: mesaje de tastatura, mouse, timer 2.7. Contexte de dispozitiv 2.8. Fisiere de resurse 2.9. Biblioteci cu legare dinamica 2.10. Registry 2.11. Thread-uri si procese 3. Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) 3.1. Introducere in MFC 3.2. Scheletul unei aplicatii MFC 3.3. Documente si View-uri 3.4. Dialoguri si ferestre de proprietati 3.5. Suportul MFC pentru dialoguri si controale 3.6. Contexte de dispozitive si obiecte GDI 3.7. Serializare 3.8. Clase colectie 3.9. Exceptii, multithreading |
1. Adrian King, Inside Windows 95, Microsoft Press, 1994.
2. Charles Calvert, Teach Yourself Windows Programming in 21 Days, SAMS Publishing, 1993. 3. F. Houlette et al, Insider's Guide to Windows 95 Programming, Que Corporation, 1995. 4. Mihaela Ordean, Programarea aplicatiilor C sub Windows, Editura Microinformatica, 1996. 5. Charles Petzold, Programming Windows 95, Microsoft Press, 1996. 6. Documentatii ale sistemelor: Microsoft Windows 3.x si 95, X-Windows. 7. Documentatii ale produselor: Microsoft Visual C++, Borland Delphi. 8. Viktor Toth, Visual C++ Unleashed, Sams Publishing, 1996. 9. Special Edition Using Visual C++, Que Corporation, 1997. |
Evaluare | Assessment |
Fiecare student trebuie sa demonstreze ca a atins un nivel acceptabil de cunoastere si intelegere a domeniului, ca este capabil sa exprime cunostintele intr-o forma coerenta, ca are capacitatea de a stabili anumite conexiuni si de a utiliza cunostintele in rezolvarea unor probleme. Nota finala va fi compusa luand in calcul lucrarea scrisa si activitatea de la laborator. |
Each student has to prove that (s)he aquired an acceptable level of knowledge and understanding of the subject, that (s)he is capable of stating these knowledge in a coherent form, that (s)he has the ability to establish certain connections and to use the knowledge in solving different problems. The final grade will be based on the written paper and the laboratory activity. |