"Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

Communication in Internet
Hours: C+S+L
Tehnologie Informatica
Teaching Staff in Charge
Prof. BOIAN Florian Mircea, Ph.D., florin@cs.ubbcluj.ro
The main purpose of this course is to teach the students to use and develop the modern techniques for Internet and Intranet communications. In this context, the students will design and implementate some self Web
A special focus will be on Internet / Intranet security, as technical, ethical and law aspects.
An important goal, for laboratories activity, is to design some Internet and Intranet distributed applications. As operating systems we use: a) the UNIX with some of its variants: Sun OS, UNIX System V, LINUX and b) recently WINDOWS distributed API packages for: WINDOWS 3.1, WINDOWS 95,WINDOWS NT.
1. Bankston s.a. Java 1.1 Unleashed. E-book Mc Millan Computer programming: http://www.mcp.com
2. Boian F. M. Sisteme de operare interactive. Ed. Libris, Cluj, 1994
3. Boian F.M. De la aritmetica la calculatoare. Ed. Presa Universitara Clujeana, 1996
4. Boian F.M. Programare distribuita in Internet; metode si aplicatii
5. Breedlove B. s.a. Web Programming Unleashed E-book Mc Millan Computer programming: http://www.mcp.com
6. Cristea V. s.a. UNIX, Ed. Teora, Bucuresti, 1993
7. December J. s.a. HTML & CGI Unleashed E-book Mc Millan Computer programming: http://www.mcp.com
8. Radoiu D. HTML; publicatii Web. Computer Press AGORA 1996
9. Rotaru E. Limbajul JAVA. Computer Press AGORA 1996
10. Wyatt, A. L. Navigand prin INTERNET. Ed. ALL, Bucuresti, 1995
A compulsory application and an writing exam on finish of the semester. The mark is a mean between:
- the exam mark;
- the application mark;
- the semester activity: quality of programms, documentations etc.