Object oriented programming |
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Teaching Staff in Charge |
Lect. LAZAR Ioan, ilazar@cs.ubbcluj.ro Lect. PREJMEREAN Vasile, Ph.D., per@cs.ubbcluj.ro Lect. IONESCU Clara, clara@cs.ubbcluj.ro |
Aims |
To learn modular, and object oriented programming.
To acquire and improve the program design abilities. To learn the C++ programming language. To learn to implement the abstract data types for data structures. |
Content |
1. Fundamentals of C
Introduction Functions Modules 2. Abstract data types (ADT) Vector Design by contract ADT and modules 3. Classes and objects Object based programming C++ classes and objects ADT and classes 4. Lists List specifications Object based implementations Iterations and hiding the list representations 5. Inheritance Inheritance in C++ Polymorphism Generic elements for data structures 6. Program design Class diagrams Object interaction diagrams Linear development process 7. Program design Building a conceptual model Presentation layer. C++ input-output and objects persistence 8. Designing a class library Interfaces for lists and their implementations Adaptator design patterns 9. Stack, queues and their applications Stacks and queues Priority queues 10. Trees Binary trees Binary search trees 11. Ordered structures Search structures Dictionaries Implementations based on lists and trees 12. Hashtable Hash functions Object oriented hashtable implementations |
References |
1. B. Eckel, Thinking in C++, vol I - II, httP;//www.mindview.net/
2. M.A. Ellis, B. Stroustrup, The annotated C++ Reference Manual, Addison Wesley, 1994. 3. E. Horrowitz et all, Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++, Computer Science Press, Oxford, 1995. 4. I. Garbacea, R. Andonie, Algoritmi fundamentali - o perspectiva C++, Ed. Libris, Cluj-Napoca, 1995. |
Assessment |
The final assessment method is an exam. There will be two parts:
a written part consisting of theoretical questions, and a practical part. The final mark (on a ten points scale, one point by default) will be obtained as: A. Lab activity: 2.5p B. Written lab papers: 1.5p C. Written exam (on paper): 4p D. Practical exam (at computer): 2p |