Sisteme integrate de proiectare şi programare | Integrated systems for design and implementation |
trul |
(Mathematics-Computer Science) |
(Computer Science) |
Cadre didactice indrumatoare | Teaching Staff in Charge |
Lect. LAZĂR Ioan, Asist. BUZOGANY Endre, |
Obiective | Aims |
La terminarea cursului, studentii trebuie sa posede
a) cunostinte sistematice despre metodologiile de realizare a produselor program b) familiarizarea cu conceptele si preocuparile moderne in scrierea softului de aplicatie c) deprinderi de folosire a instrumentelor de asistare a activitatii de dezvoltare a programelor |
At the completion of this course, the students will be able to:
a) have a systematic knowledge concerning application development methodologies b) be familiarized with the modern concepts and preocupations in the field of developing application software c) know the use of computer-aided software development tools |
Analiza si proiectare orientata pe obiecte
Limbajul de modelare UML Procese iterative de dezvoltare a aplicatiilor Instrumente de proiectare asistata de calculator Arhitecturi de aplicatii Aplicatii pe mai multe nivele Aplicatii client-server Aplicatii distribuite Persistenta obiectelor Accesul la baze de date Limbajul de descriere XML Prelucrarea documentelor XML Interoperabilitatea intre aplicatii Sabloane de proiectare: Proxy Protocoale de apel a obiectelor (SOAP) Aplicatii bazate pe mesaje Elemente de baza pe platforme Java Accesul la baze de date prin Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Apelul metodelor la distanta (RMI) Biblioteci de clase pentru XML si SOAP Elemente de baza pe platforme Microsoft Modelul COM (Microsoft Component Object Model) Servere COM Biblioteci de clase pentru XML si SOAP Realizarea nivelului de prezentare al unei aplicatii folosind navigatoare Documente HTML Limbaje interpretative script: JScript, VBScript Prelucrarea documentelor XML |
1. G. Booch, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Redwood City, CA, Benjamin/Cummings, 1994.
2. D. Box, Essential COM, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusets, 1998. 3. E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, J. Vlissides, Design Patterns -Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusets, 1994. 4. C. Larman, Applying UML and Design Patterns: An Introduction to OO Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall, 2000. 5. M. Priestley, Practical Object Oriented Design, McGraw-Hill,Cambridge, 1996. 6. Microsoft Developer Networks: COM, XML and SOAP, 7. Online Visual Basic COM Tutorial, Online COM Tutorial, Java tutorial: JavaWorld magazine: Topical index - XML, SOAP, RMI, |
Evaluare | Assessment |
Forma de examinare finala este un examen, ce va avea o parte teoretica si o parte aplicativa.
Nota finala va fi formata din: A. Activitatea de laborator: 5p B. Lucrare scrisa: 2p C. Proba practica: 3p |
The final assessment method is an exam. There will be two parts:
a written part (consisting of a minicase study), and a practical part (consisting in a partial implementation of the minicase model). The final mark (on a ten points scale, one point by default) will be obtained as: A. Lab activity: 5p B. Written exam (on paper): 2p C. Practical exam (at computer): 3p |