Economii matematice | Mathematical economy |
trul |
(Applied Mathematics) |
(Mathematics Economics) |
Cadre didactice indrumatoare | Teaching Staff in Charge |
Prof. Dr. PRECUP Radu, |
Obiective | Aims |
Asimilarea de catre studenti a unor notiuni si tehnici de lucru din teoria operatorilor univoci si multivoci (teoreme de punct fix, teoreme de elemente maximale, teoreme de coincidenta, teoreme de selectie) si utilizarea lor in rezolvarea unor probleme matematice provenind din economie: echilbru preturilor,problema consumatorului,echilibru unei economii abstracte. |
To provide basic notions and main tools in the field of mathematical economies: multivalued analysis, maximal elements, eqilibrium points. To apply these tools in the theory of equilibrium of an abstract economy.
I. Descrierea unei economii.Economii matematice abstracte.
II. Elemente de analiza operatorilor multivoci III. Elemente maximale,puncte fixe,puncte echilibru. IV. Sisteme de preturi intr-o economie.Preturi echilibru. V. Modelul Arrow-Debreu. |
1) J.W.S.Cassels, Economics for mathematicians, Cambridge Univ.Press, 1989.
2) A.Mas-Colell, An introduction to the differentiable approach in the theory of economic equilibrium, Univ.of California, Berkley, 1978. 3) M.Geistdoerfer-Florenzano, L'equilibre economique general transitif et intransitif. Problemes d'existence, CEPREMAP, Paris, 1980. 4) J.P.Aubin, Optima and Eqilibria, Springer, Berlin, 1993. |
Evaluare | Assessment |
Examen. |
Exam. |