Agenţi inteligenţi cooperativi | Cooperative intelligent agents |
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(Intelligent Systems - in English) |
Cadre didactice indrumatoare | Teaching Staff in Charge |
Conf. Dr. POP Horia Florin, |
Obiective | Aims |
Sa introduca studentul intr-un domeniu nou al Inteligentei Artificiale - IA distribuita.
Sa permita abordarea comparativa a aspectelor teoretice in IA distribuita si clasica. Sa contribuie la intelegerea necesitatii IA distribuite prin studierea unor aplicatii industriale si practice relevante. |
To introduce the student a new field of Artificial Intelligenc - Distributed AI. To allow a comparative approach of theoretical aspects in distributed and classic AI. To contribute to understanding the necessity of DAI through the study of relevant industrial and practical applications. |
0. Introducere
1. Agenti inteligenti 2. Sisteme multiagent si societati de agenti 3. Rezolvarea distribuita a problemelor si planificare distribuita 4. Algoritmi de cautare pentru agenti 5. Algoritmi distribuiti de luare a deciziilor 6. Invatare in sisteme multiagent 7. Tehnici de organizare computationala 8. Metode formale in Inteligenta artificiala distribuita 9. Aplicatii industriale si practice de DAI 10. Teme suplimentare |
Gerhard Weiss (Ed.), Multiagent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence, MIT Press, 1999
Evaluare | Assessment |
Fiecare student trebuie sa demonstreze ca a atins un nivel acceptabil de intelegere si procesare a cunostintelor domeniului, ca este capabil sa exprime cunostintele intr-o forma coerenta, ca are capacitatea de a realiza o analiza conceptuala a domeniului, si de a utiliza cunostintele in rezolvarea problemelor. Nota finala va fi compusa luand in calcul urmatoarele componente: rapoartele teoretice si aplicative; proiectul realizat; lucrarea scrisa.
Each student has to prove that (s)he acquired an acceptable level of understanding and processing of the domain knowledge, that (s)he is able of expressing this knowledge in a coherent form, that (s)he has the ability to develop a conceptual analysis of the domain and to use the knowledge in problems solving. The final grade will be based on the following components: theoretical and applicative reports; programming project; written paper.