Regulation of the Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science

No. 22/18.02.2025
Authorized in the Council of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, March 4th, 2025

1. Preamble

Art. 1

The present regulation is based on the following documents:

  1. Law on Higher Education No. 199/2023.
  2. Emergency Ordinance No. 112 of September 23, 2024.
  3. Emergency Ordinance No. 95 of June 28, 2024, amending and supplementing the pre-university education law No. 198/2023 and the higher education law No. 199/2023.
  4. Ordinance No. 3020/2024 of January 8, 2024, for the approval of the Framework Regulation on doctoral studies.
  5. Ordinance No. 3692/2024 of 1 February 2024 on the list of nationally recognized programs to establish the degree of similarity for the dissertation dissertations.
  6. Ordinance No. 3693/2024 of 1 February 2024 on the approval of the Framework Methodology on the organization of admission to higher education in the cycles of short university studies, bachelor, master, and PhD.
  7. Emergency Ordinance No. 95/June 29, 2024, for the amendment and completion of the Pre-University Education Law No. 198/2023 and the Higher Education Law No. 199/2023.
  8. ORDINANCE no. 3482 of 24 March 2016 on the approval of the Regulation on the organization and functioning of the National Council for the Attestation of University Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates and the Regulation on the organization and functioning of the National Council for the Attestation of University Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates.
  9. The Minister’s ORDINANCE No. 5110, issued on September 17, 2018, approves the minimum national standards for the award of doctoral degrees.
  10. ORDINANCE no. 3131/2018 of 30 January 2018 on the inclusion in the curricula, for all undergraduate study programs organized in higher education institutions of the national education system, of courses on ethics and academic integrity.
  1. This Regulation builds on the Regulation for the Organization and Conduct of Doctoral Studies at BBU as amended by BBU Senate Decision no. 147/25.11.2024 and adds clarifying provisions specific to the fields of Mathematics and Computer Science.
  2. All matters that are not expressly regulated by law, BBU regulations, or these regulations are within the Doctoral School’s competence of and must be addressed by the Doctoral School Council in line with and in the spirit of these regulations.

2. Doctoral studies in Mathematics and Computer Science

Art. 2 — Types of doctoral studies

  1. The Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science (DSMCS) offers two types of doctoral programs in Mathematics and Computer Science: scientific and professional doctorates.
  2. The goal of the scientific doctorate is to generate original, internationally relevant scientific knowledge based on scientific methods and it can be organized as a full-time or part-time education. The scientific doctorate will constitute the basis for a professional career in higher education and research.
  3. The goal of a professional doctorate is to generate new knowledge through the scientific method, systematic reflection, or applied research on topics of practical relevance. This establishes a foundation for a career in higher education and research in those areas. The professional doctorate may be organized as full-time or part-time.
  4. The types of scientific and professional doctorates are regulated by the provisions of Art. 3 of the BBU Regulations for the Conduct of Doctoral Studies.

Art. 3 — Forms of education

  1. Doctoral degree programs in the fields of Mathematics and Computer Science are organized in both full-time and part-time forms of education.
  2. Doctoral study programs in Mathematics and Computer Science that are full-time offer scholarships. Doctoral study programs established on a part-time basis will be without scholarships.
  3. The forms of education under which doctoral programs in the fields of Mathematics and Computer Science may be organized are regulated by the provisions of Art. 4 of the BBU Regulations for the Conduct of Doctoral Studies.

Art. 4 – Forms of financing

  1. Doctoral studies in the fields of Mathematics and Computer Science are organized with funding from the state budget, on a fee-paying basis or from other legally established sources.
  2. The forms of financing for doctoral studies in the fields of Mathematics and Computer Science are regulated by the provisions of Art. 5 of the BBU Regulations for the Conduct of Doctoral Studies.

3. Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science

Art. 5

  1. The organization and functioning of the Doctoral School is regulated by the provisions of Art. 8-10 of the BBU Regulations for the Conduct of Doctoral Studies.

Art. 6

  1. The DSMCS’s mission is to cultivate valuable researchers in the scientific fields of Mathematics and Computer Science, to enable doctoral students to conduct high-quality research in Mathematics and Computer Science, as well as to improve the scientific quality of the supervision of doctoral students and the scientific quality of doctoral theses.
  2. The main objective of the doctoral programs in Mathematics and Computer Science is to generate valuable, internationally visible scientific work such as scholarly publications, methods, and algorithms. The DSMCS fosters a competitive research environment for doctoral students in the fields of Mathematics and Computer Science, ensuring the development of research and innovation skills specific to the two fields. It also supports excellence in fundamental and applied research in the fields of Mathematics and Computer Science and encourages the dissemination of research findings on a national and international scale, both within the academic and non-academic community.

Art. 7

  1. The Doctoral School is overseen by the Director of the Doctoral School and the Council of the Doctoral School.
  2. The Council of the Doctoral School consists of five members: the Director of the Doctoral School, two doctoral supervisors from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (with at least one representative for both the field of Mathematics and Computer Science), one doctoral student, and one person from outside the Doctoral School.
  3. The Council of the Doctoral School is responsible for the content of the doctoral program offered by the Doctoral School.
  4. The Council of the Doctoral School shall draw up the internal procedure on how the tuition-free places allocated to the Doctoral School in the doctoral admission competition are distributed among doctoral supervisors.
  5. The Council of the Doctoral School shall convene at least 3 times a year. Extraordinary meetings of the Board of the Doctoral School shall be convened at the request of the Director of the Doctoral School or at least one third of the Board members.
  6. The duties of the Council of the Doctoral School are regulated by the provisions of Art. 8-10 of the BBU Regulations for the Conduct of Doctoral Studies.

4. Admission to doctoral programs

Art. 8

  1. Admission to doctoral programs at the Babeș-Bolyai University is regulated by the provisions of Art. 11 of the BBU Doctoral Regulations.
  2. Admission to the doctoral program is carried out according to the BBU Doctoral Admission Methodology, updated every academic year.
  3. The DSMCS allocates tuition-free spots for doctoral admission based on doctoral supervisors’ requests, using an internal mechanism created by the DSMCS Council.

Art. 9

  1. Before applying for the doctoral admission competition, candidates must get the previous and binding written opinion of the doctoral supervisor concerned.
  2. The competition for admission to doctoral studies at the DSMCS consists of two tests:
    1. A specialized written test on a topic announced on the doctorate school’s website at least two months before the date of the admission competition;
    2. An interview in which the candidate’s scientific interests, research skills, and the proposed topic for the doctoral thesis are discussed.
  3. The method for calculating the admission average, the topics, and the specific criteria for the doctoral admission competition in Mathematics and Computer Science will be announced on the DSMCS’ website, in the Admission section, at least two months before the contest date.

Art. 10

  1. The status of doctoral student is acquired after matriculation and is conditioned by:
    1. passing the admission exam;
    2. confirmation of the place earned through admission;
    3. completing and signing the doctoral study contract;
    4. completing and signing the doctoral study plan;
    5. Other annexes are specified in the regulation for scenarios such as returning from an interruption, changing from student to doctoral student status, or other extraordinary conditions.
  2. The regulations regarding the contract for doctoral studies are set out in Art. 12 of the BBU Regulations for the Conduct of Doctoral Studies.

5. The development of doctoral studies in the fields of Mathematics and Computer Science

Art. 11

  1. The conduct of doctoral studies organized by DSMCS in the fields of Mathematics and Computer Science is regulated by the provisions of Art. 13 of the BBU Regulations for the Conduct of Doctoral Studies.

Art. 12

  1. The duration of the doctoral program is usually 4 years. Under the conditions stipulated in Art. 21 and Art. 22 of the BBU Regulations for the Conduct of Doctoral Studies, the duration of the doctoral program may be extended by 1-2 years or reduced by one year, with the necessary approval.
  2. The duration of the doctoral studies program may be extended only once by two or four academic semesters, and this must be done in accordance with the circumstances outlined in Article 22 of the UBB Regulations for the Conduct of Doctoral Studies.

Art. 13

  1. Doctoral students of DSMCS may be employed by IOSUD-BBU as research assistants and may carry out activities in accordance with Article 17 of this Regulation.
  2. The expulsion of doctoral student is a decision of the Rector of BBU. Expulsion from doctoral studies is the act by which the doctoral supervisor, the doctoral school, the doctoral studies institute, or the university’s ethics committee, noting the failure to fulfill the obligations in the doctoral studies contract or its annexes, the violation of the doctoral studies regulations, and violations of the conditions of ethics and academic integrity, decide the termination and unilateral denunciation of the doctoral studies contract, according to the BBU Regulations for the Conduct of Doctoral Studies.

6. Doctoral supervisors

Art. 14

  1. The quality of doctoral supervision within the DSMCS is regulated by the provisions of Art. 14 of the BBU Regulations for the Conduct of Doctoral Studies.

Art. 15

  1. Beginning with the academic year 2026-2027, a doctoral supervisor may simultaneously oversee a maximum of 8 doctoral students, excluding any doctoral students coordinated in cotutelle, with a secondary role.
  2. Until the period specified in paragraph (1), a doctoral supervisor may oversee no more than 12 doctoral students at one time.
  3. A mentoring and academic integrity committee consisting of three other teaching or research staff members with a doctoral degree and at least the position of university lecturer or research scientist grade III (or equivalent) shall assist the doctoral supervisor in his or her work with the doctoral student.
  4. Members of the mentoring and academic integrity committee may be members of the doctoral supervisor’s research team, other individuals linked with the doctoral school, or non-affiliated teaching and research staff. For doctoral students admitted beginning with the academic year 2024-2025, at least one member of this committee must be from outside BBU.
  5. The members of the mentoring and academic integrity committee may not be nominated as members of the committee for the public defense of the doctoral thesis.

Art. 16

  1. The organization and conduct of the process of habilitation and co-optation of doctoral supervisors is regulated by the BBU Regulation on the organization and conduct of the process of habilitation and co-optation of doctoral supervisors approved by the BBU Senate Decision no. 10.06.2024.
  2. The organization and conduct of the process of habilitation and co-optation of doctoral supervisors is regulated by the BBU Regulation on the organization and conduct of the process of habilitation and co-optation of doctoral supervisors approved by the BBU Senate Decision no. 10.06.2024. Only people who hold a doctoral degree and who meet the standards established by IOSUD-BBU and approved by the BBU Senate may apply for the habilitation certificate.
  3. The organization and conduct of the process of habilitation and co-optation of doctoral supervisors is regulated by the BBU Regulation on the organization and conduct of the process of habilitation and co-optation of doctoral supervisors approved by the BBU Senate Decision no. 10.06.2024. Candidates for the habilitation thesis must meet IOSUD requirements that are higher than or equal to the national minimum requirements specified in Article 156 para. (1) of the Law on Higher Education No. 199/2023, as revised and supplemented by the Minister of Education.
  4. The organization and conduct of the process of habilitation and co-optation of doctoral supervisors is regulated by the BBU Regulation on the organization and conduct of the process of habilitation and co-optation of doctoral supervisors approved by the BBU Senate Decision no. 10.06.2024. The guidelines for writing the habilitation theses in the fields of Mathematics and Computer Science are indicated in Annex II of the present regulation.
  5. The organization and conduct of the process of habilitation and co-optation of doctoral supervisors is regulated by the BBU Regulation on the organization and conduct of the process of habilitation and co-optation of doctoral supervisors approved by the BBU Senate Decision no. 10.06.2024. To exercise the quality of a doctoral supervisor in BBU, obtained after the habilitation, and to become a member of the DSMCS, the applicant must:
    1. Meet the minimum requirements set by CNATDCU for the title of university professor/CS I, as approved by the Ministerial Order (based on Art. 156 para. (1) of the Law on Higher Education No. 199/2023 and any subsequent changes and additions);
    2. To defend the habilitation thesis and receive the habilitation attestation by ministerial order;
    3. To meet the UBB Senate’s minimum standards for the position of university professor, i.e., the requirements of the Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science.
  6. The DSMCS’ Council will decide whether to accept the candidate as a doctoral supervisor in the doctoral school based on a qualitative assessment of their scientific work, international visibility and repute, and the doctoral school’s development needs. The DSMCS’ Council establishes a committee composed of two DSMCS members to draft an evaluation report on the applicant’s file. The committee requires members to be renowned experts in the applicant’s declared research field or adjacent subjects. The evaluation will include at least the following:
    1. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the applicant’s scientific activity;
    2. An analysis of the applicant’s visibility and international prestige;
    3. Considering the development demands by fields and subfields of the doctoral school;
    4. The contribution attempts to improve the reputation of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science by assessing previous scientific collaborations with BBU.
    5. Verification of compliance with the minimum standards established by the BBU Senate for the position of university professor;
    6. Based on the preceding criteria, the report concludes with a recommendation to accept or reject the application.

    Based on the evaluation report, the DSMCS’ Council votes by secret ballot to accept or reject the

7. Doctoral students

Art. 17

  1. Individuals accepted into a doctoral university program are considered doctoral students for the duration of their enrollment in that program, from the time they are enrolled until they either graduate or are expulsed, excluding breaks for studying, and this includes any extensions granted in line with the study contract and IOSUD-BBU rules.
  2. The status of doctoral students, their rights and obligations, and other specific regulations are provided in Art. 15 of the BBU Regulation on the Conduct of Doctoral Studies, as well as Art. 13 of the Framework Regulation on Doctoral Studies.
  3. A doctoral student employed as a research assistant may carry out teaching activities on an hourly paid basis, in accordance with the current legislation.

Art. 18

  1. The doctoral student from the Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science will be active throughout their doctoral studies in one of the research groups at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, as recommended by the doctoral supervisor.
  2. Doctoral students whose doctoral supervisor is a member of a research group within the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science are implicitly members of the respective research group. Doctoral students can use the research infrastructure of the centers or research groups upon the recommendation of the scientific supervisor and with the approval of the center/research group head.
  3. The doctoral supervisor determines the doctoral student’s actual presence requirements based on the doctoral study program and the BBU Regulation for the Conduct of Doctoral Studies. This applies to both full and part-time students.
  4. Doctoral students enrolled in the Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science in the full-time education format are recommended to get involved in the activities of the departments (Department of Mathematics / Department of Computer Science / Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Hungarian Line) and the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science by participating in activities that benefit their respective department, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, and/or the Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science.
  5. In addition to the rules outlined in point 4, doctoral students who are awarded scholarships are expected to help the departments (Department of Mathematics, Department of Computer Science, and Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Hungarian Line) by teaching for at least two hours a week (as required by Art. 17, paragraph 3), taking into account each department’s area of expertise.

8. Doctoral path

Art. 19

  1. The doctoral study program for doctoral students within the DSMCS is regulated by the provisions of Art. 16 of the BBU Regulation on the Conduct of Doctoral Studies.
  2. The training program based on advanced university studies for doctoral students within the DSMCS is regulated by the provisions of Art. 17–18 of the BBU Regulation on the Conduct of Doctoral Studies.
  3. The individual scientific research program for doctoral students within the DSMCS is regulated by the provisions of Art. 19-20 of the BBU Regulation on the Conduct of Doctoral Studies.

Art. 20 – Equivalence

  1. The recognition of previous doctoral stages and the equivalence of disciplines from a prior individual study plan are regulated by Art. 24 of the BBU Regulation on the Conduct of Doctoral Studies.
  2. The equivalence of a previous doctoral stage is only possible if the following conditions are met cumulatively:
    1. The previous doctoral stage is in the same field as the current one;
    2. The research topic is the same as in the previous stage;
    3. The present curriculum covers the same subjects, or at least related topics.
  3. The SDMI Council may recognize subjects from a previous individual study plan, provided that the courses in the present curriculum correspond to those completed or the topics addressed are similar. The doctorate supervisor asks for equivalence from the DSMCS based on prior and present curricula. The DSMCS’ Council will assess the request in cooperation with the course instructor and decide whether to recognize the plan.
  4. Certain elements or the entire individual scientific research plan can only be recognized if the thesis topic has not changed, credits have been obtained for previous activities, or the DSMCS’ Council has approved the recognition in accordance with the regulations outlined in the paragraphs (2)-(3).

Art. 21

  1. The BBU Regulation on the Conduct of Doctoral Studies (Art. 21–23 and 25–31) establishes the rules for the doctoral path, including the length of the doctoral study program, the ability to extend or interrupt doctoral studies, the student’s mobility while in doctoral studies, their permanent mobility between IOSUD-BBU and another IOSUD or universities abroad, their ability to change supervisors, their ability to withdraw or be expelled from doctoral studies, and their fees.

9. The preparation and public defense of the doctoral thesis

Art. 22

  1. The preparation and public defense of the doctoral thesis are regulated by the provisions of Art. 32-34 of the BBU Regulation on the Conduct of Doctoral Studies.

Art. 23

  1. The Guide for Writing Doctoral Theses in the Fields of Mathematics and Computer Science is indicated in Annex I of this regulation.
  2. To be accepted for public defense, a thesis must contain original results in its majority. The results from the literature are intended to contextualize the original findings and demonstrate the extent to which they are generalizable. The author of a doctoral thesis will cite the sources consulted, highlight their contributions, and explain how they relate to the field’s literature.
  3. To be admitted for public defense, a doctoral thesis in the field of Mathematics must meet the following

    • The minimum national standards for awarding the title of doctor in the field of the thesis (regulated in the study contract of the doctoral student);
    • The specific DSMCS standards, as follows:
      1. At least one paper published or accepted in a foreign journal indexed in the Web of Science;
      2. The doctoral student, the author of the doctoral thesis, must have participated during their doctoral studies in at least 3 scientific events with international participation, of which at least one must have included an oral or poster presentation.
  4. To be admitted for public defense, a doctoral thesis in the field of Computer Science must meet the following standards:
    • The minimum national standards for awarding the title of doctor in the field of the thesis (regulated in the study contract of the doctoral student);
    • The minimum requirements of CNATDCU’s Computer Science Commission correspond to a satisfactory grade;
    • The specific DCMCS standards, as follows:
      1. The doctoral student, author of the doctoral thesis, must have participated during their doctoral studies in at least 3 scientific events with international participation, of which at least one must have included an oral or poster presentation.

10. Principles of scientific, professional, and academic ethics and deontology

Art. 24

  1. When authoring doctoral theses in the domains of Mathematics and Computer Science, ethical rules in research and development activities will be followed. The following actions are prohibited: (1) reporting false results; (2) fabricating results; and (3) plagiarism.

11. Ensuring the quality of doctoral study programs

Art. 25.

  1. The procedures and mechanisms for ensuring the quality of doctoral study programs in the fields of Mathematics and Computer Science are regulated by the provisions of Articles 35-39 of the BBU Regulation on the Conduct of Doctoral Studies.

12. Final provisions

Art. 26.

  1. This regulation has 2 annexes: Annex I—Guide for Writing Doctoral Theses and Annex II—Guide for Writing Habilitation Theses.
  2. This regulation was drafted by the DSMCS’ Council after conferring with all tenured doctoral supervisors at DSMCS, and it was passed by the unanimous, direct, secret, and equal vote of the absolute majority of DSMCS’ tenured doctoral supervisors.
  3. This regulation takes effect on the date of its approval by CSUD at the meeting on _______________.

Cluj-Napoca, February 7, 2025

Prof. Univ. Dr. Gabriela Czibula

Guidelines for Writing A Doctoral Thesis

Doctoral theses in Mathematics and Computer Science must be the result of the doctoral student’s own scientific research effort, and they must include original theoretical and applied results in the field of scientific knowledge relevant to the thesis.

A. Structure of the doctoral thesis

We suggest the following structure for doctoral theses:

  • Table of Contents.
  • List of figures contained in the thesis, if applicable.
  • List of tables contained in the thesis, if applicable.
  • List of the author’s original publications. For the field of Computer Science, for each
    publication, the category of the publication (A*, A, B, C, D) and the associated score will be mentioned. For the Mathematics field, for each publication, the type of publication (BDI, Scopus, WoS) will be mentioned, indicating, in the case of WoS-indexed ones, the most recent impact factor of the journal.
  • The introduction briefly presents the research field, argues for its importance and relevance, and explains why the topic was chosen. The thesis’ structure and chapter contents will be described. When the thesis is completed, its original contributions will be summarized, along with explicit links to the chapters of the thesis that include such contributions, as well as, if necessary, bibliographic references to the papers that contain the indicated original results.
  • The content of the thesis. The thesis will include chapters in which the fundamental concepts used in the thesis will be presented, as well as the findings of past research on the chosen issue, the original contributions introduced in the thesis, and how they relate to existing research results.
  • Conclusions. This section of the thesis will include a brief and systematic explanation of the findings, as well as suggestions for future study directions on the topic addressed.
  • Bibliography. The Bibliography section will contain accurate and comprehensive references to all works cited in the thesis. For example:
    • For books (authors, book title, publisher, place of publication, year of publication):
      • DeVore, R.A., Lorentz, G.G.: Constructive Approximation, Springer, Berlin, 1993.
    • For articles (authors, article title, journal name, journal number, year of publication, and pages):
      • Berens, H., Lorentz, G.G.: Inverse theorems for Bernstein polynomials, Indiana Univ.
        Math. J., 21 (1972), 693-708.
    • For online sources (author’s first and last name, title, and internet address):

B. Standards for Ethics and Academic Integrity

The doctoral thesis will be drafted in accordance with the ethical principles in research and development activities, as well as the citation standards specified in Section C. The following are prohibited: (1) reporting fictitious results; (2) falsifying results; and (3) plagiarism.

Regarding plagiarism, the following list highlights some specific forms of plagiarism[1]:

  1. Presenting results (experiments, publications, etc.) gained from others as one’s own.
  2. Copying texts or ideas from other sources without citing them.
  3. Omitting the inclusion of a quote in quotation marks.
  4. Providing incorrect information about the source of a citation.
  5. Changing some words while copying the structure of a text from a source without citing it.
  6. Copying many texts or ideas from a single source, regardless of whether it is cited or not.

C. Citation Standards

The doctoral thesis will be written in accordance with the following citation standards.

Correct citation

  • Citation is required when using or expressing ideas from other sources, including websites, books, and articles. In this case, the citation is added at the end of the text and not at the end of the section where the text appears.
  • When paraphrasing a source material or referencing an idea or concept, citation is still required.
  • Citing a source entails providing detailed information about that source (see Section A) so that it can be identified by others.


  • The quote is a passage from a specific source that appears exactly (or almost exactly) the same as in the source.
  • To use quotes, they must be enclosed in quotation marks and cited at the end of the quote, not the section where they appear.
  • By exception to the previous rule, according to the guidelines in the field of Mathematics, definitions, theorems, and axioms can be included without quotation marks, even if they are taken exactly as they appear in an external source. In this situation, a source citation will be included.
  • The abusive use of quotes from other sources, even if properly mentioned in the text, is inappropriate for a scientific paper. It is advised to avoid or use quotes sparingly and only when necessary.

Correct paraphrasing

  • Paraphrasing is the process of rephrasing another author’s content in a unique way.
  • Ideas borrowed from other sources must also be paraphrased. Changing a few words in a document copied from another source is insufficient to prevent plagiarism.
  • If paraphrased material is not in quotation marks, it must be cited with the source. The reference should be at the end of the paraphrased material, not the part that includes the paraphrase.

D. The Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Writing a Doctoral Thesis

It is not permitted to author a doctoral thesis using generative artificial intelligence technologies or AI-assisted technologies.

E. Clarifications regarding typesetting

  • Pages will be numbered.
  • Each chapters will start on a new page.
  • The paper should have at least 100 pages.
  • It is recommended to use a font size of 11-12 for the text (possibly excluding formulas).

[1] https://pitt.libguides.com/academicintegrity/plagiarism

Annex II
Guidelines for Writing A Habilitation Thesis

The habilitation thesis is based on scientific results that have been published or patented, or on professional accomplishments that were made public before the habilitation file was turned in and after getting the doctoral title. It is acceptable to refer to the publications, patents, or accomplishments without having to copy them in full. The thesis must present the main results (theoretical and applied) obtained, integrating them into the current landscape of knowledge in the field. For the habilitation thesis, the paper will clearly show how the author’s academic, scientific, and professional career has changed and grown over time. It will also show the main directions for future growth in the context of major and recent scientific achievements in the author’s field of expertise. The candidate’s ability to work in a team and to coordinate new research in their scientific field will also be highlighted.

A. Structure of a habilitation thesis

The following structure is recommended for a habilitation thesis:

  • An abstract presenting the synthesis of the habilitation thesis.
  • The introduction presents the candidate’s most important scientific achievements, the visibility of their scientific activity, and the relevant publications on which the habilitation thesis is based.
  • The document details the scientific achievements of the candidate in disciplinary or interdisciplinary thematic areas. References to publications, patents, or other publicly disclosed accomplishments document the achievements, with each reference offering the possibility of verification. At the same time, personal achievements are presented in the context of the current state of scientific research in the thematic field of the specialty, internationally highlighting, in a reasoned and documented manner, the relevance and originality of personal contributions.
  • The plan for the evolution and development of one’s own professional, scientific, and academic career includes research, teaching, and practical application directions, along with probable modes of action for their implementation.
  • Conclusions. This part of the thesis will contain a concise and structured presentation of the results obtained in it as well as an indication of future research directions.
  • In the Bibliography section, correct and complete references will be used for all works mentioned in the habilitation thesis.

B. Standards for Ethics and Academic Integrity

The habilitation thesis will be drafted in accordance with the ethical principles in research and development activities, as well as the citation standards specified in Section C. The following are prohibited: (1) reporting fictitious results; (2) falsifying results; and (3) plagiarism.

Regarding plagiarism, the following list highlights some specific forms of plagiarism[2]:

  1. Presenting results (experiments, publications, etc.) gained from others as one’s own.
  2. Copying texts or ideas from other sources without citing them.
  3. Omitting the inclusion of a quote in quotation marks.
  4. Providing incorrect information about the source of a citation.
  5. Changing some words while copying the structure of a text from a source without citing it.
  6. Copying many texts or ideas from a single source, regardless of whether it is cited or not.

C. Citation Standards

The habilitation thesis will be written in accordance with the following citation standards.

Correct citation

  • Citation is required when using or expressing ideas from other sources, including websites, books, and articles. In this case, the citation is added at the end of the text and not at the end of the section where the text appears.
  • When paraphrasing a source material or referencing an idea or concept, citation is still required.
  • Citing a source entails providing detailed information about that source (see Section A) so that it can be identified by others.


  • The quote is a passage from a specific source that appears exactly (or almost exactly) the same as in the source.
  • To use quotes, they must be enclosed in quotation marks and cited at the end of the quote, not the section where they appear.
  • By exception to the previous rule, according to the guidelines in the field of Mathematics, definitions, theorems, and axioms can be included without quotation marks, even if they are taken exactly as they appear in an external source. In this situation, a source citation will be included.
  • The abusive use of quotes from other sources, even if properly mentioned in the text, is inappropriate for a scientific paper. It is advised to avoid or use quotes sparingly and only when necessary.

Correct paraphrasing

  • Paraphrasing is the process of rephrasing another author’s content in a unique way.
  • Ideas borrowed from other sources must also be paraphrased. Changing a few words in a document copied from another source is insufficient to prevent plagiarism.
  • If paraphrased material is not in quotation marks, it must be cited with the source. The reference should be at the end of the paraphrased material, not the part that includes the paraphrase.

D. The Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Writing a Doctoral Thesis

It is not permitted to write a habilitation thesis using generative artificial intelligence technologies or AI-assisted technologies.

[2] https://pitt.libguides.com/academicintegrity/plagiarism